Arne Bang Huseby: A framework for multi-reservoir production optimization

Arne Bang Huseby (Matematisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo) skal snakke om

A framework for multi-reservoir production optimization



When a large oil or gas field is produced, several reservoirs often share the same processing facility. This facility is typically capable of processing only a limited amount of commodities per unit of time. In order to satisfy these processing limitations, the production needs to be choked. We consider the problem of optimizing production strategies with respect to various types of objective functions. A general framework for handling this problem is developed. The solution to the optimization problem depends on certain key properties, e.g., convexity or concavity, of the objective function and of the potential production rate functions. Using these properties several important special cases can be solved. We also briefly show how the problem can be approached in a stochastic setting, where process information is used to update the production strategy.

Published Jan. 5, 2012 10:40 AM