Jonathan Tawn: Applying multivariate extreme value methods for univariate and spatial flood risk assessment

Jonathan Tawn (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University) skal snakke om

Applying multivariate extreme value methods for univariate and spatial flood risk assessment



The talk will cover two distinct problems in flood risk assessment: the estimation of the distribution of flood peaks at a site and the estimation of the distribution of 'financial loss' over a region from flooding. Approaches based on univariate extreme value theory exist for each of these, with the one for flood peaks being very widely used. Both of these problems are essentially multivariate problems. In this talk I will present a multivariate extreme value approach to each of the two problems that offers substantial improvements over the existing methods.
Published Jan. 20, 2012 4:24 PM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2012 12:23 PM