[Zoom seminar] Antonio Canale: Pitman–Yor spike and slab mixtures for functional basal body temperature measurements

Antonio Canale (Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova, ITA) will give a talk on April 21st at 14:15 in Zoom (https://uio.zoom.us/j/66042762975).

Image may contain: Tie, Forehead, Chin, Moustache.

Antonio Canale is an Associate Professor of Statistics at the University of Padova (ITA)

Title: Pitman–Yor spike and slab mixtures for functional basal body temperature measurements

Abstract: For the most popular discrete nonparametric models, beyond the Dirichlet process, the prior guess at the shape of the data-generating distribution, also known as the base measure, is assumed to be diffuse. Such a specification greatly simplifies the derivation of analytical results, allowing for a straightforward implementation of Bayesian nonparametric inferential procedures. However, in several applied problems the available prior information leads naturally to the incorporation of an atom into the base measure, and then the Dirichlet process is essentially the only tractable choice for the prior. In this paper we fill this gap by considering the Pitman–Yor process with an atom in its base measure. We derive computable expressions for the distribution of the induced random partitions and for the predictive distributions. These findings allow us to devise an effective generalized Pólya urn Gibbs sampler. Applications to density estimation, clustering and curve estimation, with both simulated and real data, serve as an illustration of our results and allow comparisons with existing methodology. In particular, we tackle a functional data analysis problem concerning basal body temperature curves.

Tags: Seminar Series in Statistics and Data Science
Published Apr. 14, 2020 11:04 AM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2023 12:06 PM