Description of the stratified case-cohort data in survey format for the radiation and breast cancer study (stratified by age at first treatment) Variable name Description Codes/range --------------------------------------------------------------------------- id Subject ID 1-3372 tyr Year start TB treatment (19)12-54 dose Estimated breast dose (Gy) 0-6.433 nof Number of fluoroscopies 0-833 bc Breast cancer diagnosis 0=No, 1=Yes l2d Base 2 logarithm (dose+1) 0-2.894 age.rx Age at first TB treatment 0.09-65.55 age.out Age at exit from cohort 8.31-93.23 Age at entry to cohort 2.34-65.80 subcoh Sampled for subcohort 0=No, 1=Yes NA=not in case-cohort sample incc Included in case-cohort sample TRUE/FALSE