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Conferences and summer schools - Page 17

Time and place: , Seminar room "Gates of Eden" (2nd floor), Matematisk Institutt, Sognsveien 77B, Ullevål Stadion

The winter school, which takes place in Oslo from 22.-26. January 2018 and which is supported by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education in connection with a Norwegian-Ukrainian cooperation in mathematical education, brings together students and researchers from Ukraine (National Technical University of Ukraine, "Igor Sikorski Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnitsa and Uzhgorod National University, Uzhgorod) and Norway (University of Oslo).

The talks and mini-courses given at the winter school, which is attended by 40 invited participants, pertain to topics in stochastic analysis, probability theory and related fields.

Further, presentations are also devoted to the issue of training and preparation of students for mathematical olympiads and other international competitions in mathematics.

Time and place: , Runde Auditorium, Domus Medica, UiO

On the occasion of Professor Sylvia Richardson, University of Cambridge, receiving a Honorary Doctorate from the University of Oslo, we arrange a workshop in her honour. Please join us in the celebration of Sylvia and the statistics community at the University of Oslo, with presentations of some of the ongoing statistical research in the life sciences at our university!

Time and place: , Svolvær, Lofoten

The Abel symposium 2017

Time and place: , Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna

On 4-6 July 2017, the second conference on the mathematics of energy markets will take place at the Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) in Vienna, Austria. The conference is an activity within the thematic program "Mathematics for Risk in Finance and Energy" at the WPI. 

We welcome participants from academia and industry to take part in this event.  

A pre-conference intensive course will be organized on Monday July 3. The course leader will be Professor Almut Veraart, who will give a course on Ambit stochastics with applications to commodity markets. See here for more details on the intensive course.