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Conferences and summer schools - Page 8

Time and place: , Klækken hotell

We are delighted to finally again be able to invite you to the Klækken seminar, October 11 – October 12, 2022.  Klækken seminar is open for young researchers in temporary positions within statistics/biostatistics/bioinformatics at OCBE (UiO and OUS), Institute of Mathematics (UiO), BiAs (NMBU) and RealTek (NMBU).  It is meant as an arena to get to know each other across the institutes and to practice your presentations skills in front of a friendly and harmless audience.


Time and place: , The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

A conference in honour of Nils Henrik Risebro on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

Time and place: , Room 1259 "Abels utsikt", 12th floor, Niels Henrik Abels hus, University of Oslo

A four-days workshop to appreciate and discuss advances in risk and stochastics with a close look into applications and numerical methods


A conference organised for and by master/Ph.D.-students and postdocs in operator algebras (both von Neumann and C*-algebras) and related areas, with the goal of fostering scientific and social interaction between young researchers.
