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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 101

Time and place: , Desolation Row, Sognveien 77 B

I will report on work in progress on calculations of the motivic homotopy groups of MGL (the algebraic cobordism spectrum) over number fields. It is known that pi_{2n,n}(MGL) is the Lazard ring, and pi_{-n,-n}(MGL) is Milnor K-theory of the base field. We will calculate all of pi_{*,*}(MGL) with the slice spectral sequence (motivic Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence) over a number field. I will give a brief review of the the tools and sketch the main parts of the calculation: The input from motivic cohomology, the use of C_2-equivariant Betti realization and comparison with Hill-Hopkins-Ravenel to determine the differentials, and settle most of the hidden extensions. 

Time and place: , Hurricane, Sognsveien 77 b

I will discuss the algebra structure of the E_2-term of the mod 2 Adams spectral sequence for tmf, given by the cohomology Ext_{A(2)}(F_2, F_2) of A(2).  We (Bruner & Rognes) use Groebner bases to verify the presentation given by Iwai and Shimada, with 13 generators and 54 relations. Thereafter I will discuss the relationship between differentials and Steenrod operations in the Adams spectral sequence for E_\infty ring spectra.  

Time and place: , End of Line, Ullevål

Pawel Kasprzak (Warzaw) will give a talk with title " Quantum actions on discrete quantum spaces"


To any action of a compact quantum group on a von Neumann algebra which is a direct sum of factors we associate an equivalence relation corresponding to the partition of a space into orbits of the action. We show that in case all factors are finite-dimensional (i.e. when the action is on a discrete quantum space) the relation has finite orbits.  We then apply this

i) to generalize the classical theory of Clifford, concerning the restrictions of representations to normal subgroups, to the framework of quantum subgroups of discrete quantum groups, itself extending the context of closed normal quantum subgroups of compact quantum groups; ii) to the context of idempotent states showing that the  algebra of invariant elements is finite dimensional if and only if the corresponding state is normal. Joint work with K. De Commer, A. Skalski and P. Sołtan.

Time and place: , Gates of Eden

When and how surface structure determines the dynamics of partial wetting  

Time and place: , Desolation Row, Sognsveien 77 B

I will discuss machine computations in a finite range, using Bruner's ext-program, of Ext over A, the mod 2 Steenrod algebra, and over A(2), the subalgebra of A generated by Sq^1, Sq^2 and Sq^4. These are the E_2-terms of the mod 2 Adams spectral sequences for S and tmf, respectively.