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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 129

Time and place: , NHA B735

Abstract: In the classification program for C*-algebras some of the usual assumptions put on the algebras are that they are simple or have at most have finitely many ideals. We often also want algebras that have real rank 0. In this talk we will discuss how to classify certain graph algebras with uncountably many ideals and without real rank 0. There will be examples and applications. Joint work with S. Eilers, G. Restorff, and E. Ruiz

Time and place: , B738, NH Abels hus

Jørgen Vold Rennemo (Oxford) gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:

K3 surfaces seminar: The moduli spaces of polarized K3 surfaces

Time and place: , NHA B735

Abstract: There are many interesting examples of groups acting on trees, arising in various fields (e.g. combinatorial group theory, number theory, geometry). When a group acts on a tree, it necessarily also acts on the boundary of the tree, a (totally disconnected) compact Hausdorff space.  The C*-algebras obtained from the crossed product construction include many fundamental examples.  I will describe methods for analyzing such crossed products, developed in joint work with Nathan Brownlowe, Alex Mundey, David Pask and Anne Thomas.


Manuela Zucknick (Dept. of Biostatistics, UiO) will give a seminar in the lunch area, 8th floor Niels Henrik Abels hus at 14:15.

Time and place: , B738, NH Abels hus

Arvid Siqveland (HBV), gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:

K3 surfaces seminar: Endomorphism fields and Mumford–Tate groups II