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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 155

Time and place: , B91

Victor Haughton, Professor of Radiology at the University of Wisconsin

and Adjunct Research Scientist at Simula Research Laboratory


Ørnulf Borgan (Department of Mathematics,UiO) gives a seminar

in room 107, 1st floor N.H. Abels House at 14:15 Tuesday September 23rd:

Using cumulative sums of martingale residuals for model checking in nested case-control studies  


Abstract: We show that the discrete duals of the so called free orthogonal quantum groups have the completely contractive approximation property, analogous to the free groups. The proof relies on the structure of representation categories of these quantum groups, on the C*-algebraic structure of SUq(2), and on the free product techniques of Ricard and Xu. This talk is based on joint work with Kenny De Commer and Amaury Freslon.

Time and place: , B71, NHA

Abstract: Independence has been introduced as a regularity property for pairs of commuting injective group endomorphisms of a discrete abelian group with finite cokernel by Joachim Cuntz and Anatoly Vershik. We discuss various characterisations of this regularity property and show how the statements need to be adjusted when removing the restrictions that the group has to be abelian and that the cokernels have to be finite. Somewhat surprisingly, this leads to the concept of *-commutativity. This property is defined for pairs of commuting self-maps of an arbitrary set. As an examples of *-commutativity, we explain a construction related to the Ledrappier shift and indicate how one obtains examples for independent group endomorphisms from this construction. If time permits, we will point out instances where the two notions have been readily used to obtain C*-algebraic results. Roughly speaking, both notions are designed to give rise to pairs of doubly commuting isometries, which significantly simplifies the analysis of the constructed C*-algebras. This is particularly useful when one tries to generalise results from the case of a single transformation to an action generated by finitely many transformations.

Time and place: , B 63

The logic seminar will take place in B63 in NHA on Thursdays from 10.15 to 12.00.

The program is tentative. There are free slots in the program. Contact Dag Normann for suggestions or questions.