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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 160

Time and place: , NHA B1036

Jan Martin Nordbotten (University of Bergen) will give a talk about

Finite volume methods for elasticity and poro-elasticity

Abstract: We introduce a new class of cell-centered finite volume methods for elasticity and poro-elasticity. This class of discretization methods has the advantage that the mechanical discretization is fully compatible (in terms of grid and variables) to the standard cell-centered finite volume discretizations that are prevailing for commercial simulation of multi-phase flows in porous media. 

For a specific variant of the proposed discretization, we give an overview of a convergence proof in the setting of isotropic elasticity, and address from a theoretical perspective the issues of a discrete Korn's inequality and robustness with respect to locking. Furthermore, we give numerical results for both structured and unstructured grids for both elasticity and poro-elasticity. The talk concludes with an application to simulation of fractured and fracturing porous media.  

Time and place: , Nils Henrik Abel's hus

Risk measures are set to quantify in terms of assets/money the amount of financial risk associated to a certain financial position. The purposes for such evaluations are many and interesting both from the investors perspectives and regulators. As example, these evaluations are important to quantify the amount of reserve that financial institutions, such as banks or insurance companies, have to set aside as hedging guarantee. In the recent years large attention is given towards convex and coherent risk measures.

A series of 10 lectures will be held by Prof. Giacomo Scandolo, Department of Mathematics, University of Verona (Italy), visiting scholar at our department.

The course is suggested to Master and PhD students in the area of Stochastic Analysis, Insurance, and Risk as well as practitioners in the area.

Time and place: , B1036

Torstein Nilssen (Universitetet i Oslo) holder et seminar med tittelen: Malliavin differentiability for a class of SDE's in Hilbert spaces.

Time and place: , B 63 NHA

A continuation of the previous talk.   

Time and place: , NHA B63

Magnus Landstad will give a talk with title: Quantum groups from almost matched pairs of groups - the groupoid approach

Abstract: If G is a locally compact group with two closed subgroups H,K s.t. G=HK, then (H,K) is called a matched pair of subgroups. The construction of a quantum group from such a pair goes back a long time. We shall look at the more general case where the subgroups are almost matched (the complement of HK in G has measure 0), then a groupoid approach to the construction is very useful and many formulas are obtained for free.

I shall start with explaining the concepts needed (quantum groups, groupoids, etc) and then how the groupoid is constructed. Finally we shall look at the special case where G has a compact open subgroup.

This is joint work with A. Van Daele.