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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 164

Time and place: , B82

Dr. Benjamin Holcblat (BI Norwegian Business School) holder et seminar med tittelen: A Classical Moment-Based Approach with Bayesian Properties: Econometric Theory and Empirical Evidence from Asset Pricing

Time and place: , B81

Jukka Lempa (Oslo and Akershus University college of applied sciences) holder et seminar med tittelen: Resolvent-techniques for multiple exercise problems

Time and place: , NH Abels hus B71

Judith Packer, University of Colorado (Boulder), will give a talk with title "Noncommutative solenoids and their projective modules"

Abstract: ``Noncommutative solenoids" are certain twisted group $C^*$-algebras, where the groups in question are countably infinitely generated; these algebras can also be generated as direct limits of rotation algebras.  From examining the range of the trace of the $K_0$-groups of the noncommutative solenoids, their finitely generated projective modules can be constructed. We also discuss a way to construct Morita equivalence bimodules between noncommutative solenoids that goes back to work of M. Rieffel, with the new wrinkle of $p$-adic analysis appearing. This work is joint with F. Latr\'emoli\'ere.



Time and place: , B81

Professor Madan L. Puri (Indiana University) holder et seminar med tittelen: Asymptotic Normality, Rates of Convergence, and Large Deviation Probabilities for a Broad Class of Statistics.

Time and place: , B 62 NHA

Abstract: We will begin by reviewing and constructing power operations in the familiar setting of chain complexes. In stable homotopy, these operations help distinguish different geometric objects. These operations are also the residue of a rich homotopical structure. We will also define such structure and explain its role in stable homotopy theory. Specifically, we will consider what structure on a filtration might give rise to power operations in the associated spectral sequence, if time allows. This first talk will be accessible to graduate students.    Such power operations also act on the homotopy of highly structured ring spectra. We will compute these operations on relative smash products using the Kunneth spectral sequence. We will interpret the homotopy of these relative smash products and the algebra of operations in terms of different realizations of highly structured DGAs. We will also discuss the relation to the relevant notion of cotangent complexes.