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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 172

Time and place: , NHA, seminarrom B81

Nicolai Stammeier, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, will give a talk with title: Product Systems of Finite Type for Certain Algebraic Dynamics and their C*-algebras

Abstract: Let P be a lattice-ordered semigroup with unit acting on a discrete, abelian group G by injective endomorphisms with finite cokernel. Building on the work of Jeong Hee Hong, Nadia S. Larsen and Wojciech Szymanski on product systems of Hilbert bimodules and their KMS-states, one can associate a product system to this dynamical system that turns out to be of finite type. Imposing two additional conditions on the dynamics, namely independence of the endomorphisms for relatively prime elements in P and exactness, we derive presentations of the Nica-Toeplitz algebra and the Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebra. Moreover, the latter has lots of nice descriptions and is shown to be a unital UCT Kirchberg algebra.  

Time and place: , Vitenskapsakademiet
Time and place: , B1036

Kristina R. Dahl (Universitetet i Oslo) holder et seminar med tittelen: Duality methods for pricing contingent claims under short selling constraints

Time and place: , B1036

Paul Krühner (Universitetet i Oslo) holder et seminar med tittelen: On infinite dimensional modelling in electricity finance