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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 73

Time and place: , NHA 723

Ulrik Enstad (University of Oslo) will give a talk titled: Heisenberg modules and the existence (or lack thereof) of Gabor frames


Subtle Stiefel-Whitney classes have been introduced by Smirnov and Vishik as a tool for classifying quadratic forms. Following this path, in this talk, I will introduce subtle characteristic classes for Hermitian forms, coming from the motivic cohomology ring of the Nisnevich classifying space of the unitary group associated to the standard split Hermitian form of a quadratic extension. Moreover, I will discuss the connection between these new classes and the subtle Stiefel-Whitney ones, deduce information on the kernel invariant for quadratic forms divisible by a 1-fold Pfister form, show that these classes see the triviality of Hermitian forms and express the motive of the torsor associated to a Hermitian form in terms of its subtle characteristic classes.  

Time and place: , NHA B1120