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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 103

Time and place: , Gates of Eden, Ullevål

Nicolai Stammeier (Oslo) will give a talk with title: The inner structure of boundary quotients of right LCM semigroups  

Abstract: In joint work with Roberto Conti, Stefano Rossi, and Valeriano Aiello, we use semidirect products built from algebraic dynamical systems to model right LCM semigroups to study various structural aspects in connection with a selection of distinguished subalgebras of the associated boundary quotients. Our two guiding examples are integral dynamics as considered in work of Barlak - Omland - Stammeier, and exact injective group endomorphisms of discrete abelian groups with finite cokernel as studied by Cuntz and Vershik.

Time and place: , Ullevål

Eric Schaanning (Norges Bank) gives a lecture with the title: Interbank contagion and systemic risk: How robust are estimates?

Time and place: , B638, NH Abels hus
Time and place: , B638, NH Abels hus