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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 106

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 107

Yaozhong Hu (University of Kansas) gives a minicourse with the title: Some aspects of stochastic heat equations.


A double seminar will be held in the lunch area, 8th floor Niels Henrik Abels hus at 14:15. We will have talks by Ruth Keogh (Department of Medical Statistics,  London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) and Maximilian Coblenz (Institute of Operations Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). 

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 107

Yaozhong Hu (University of Kansas) gives a minicourse with the title: Some aspects of stochastic heat equations.

Time and place: , NHA bygget 9 etg B91

Study of the air-flow very close to the surface of wind-generated water waves Marseille large air-water facility

Time and place: , B 738

Topological cyclic homology is a variant of negative cyclic homology which was introduced by Bökstedt, Hsiang and Madsen. They invented topological cyclic homology to study algebraic K-theory but in recent years it has become more and more important as an invariant in its own right. We present a new formula for topological cyclic homology and give an entirely model independent construction. If time permits we explain consequences and further directions.