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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 118

Time and place: , B 638

In this talk I will explain how the use of functors defined on the category I of finite sets and injections makes it possible to replace E-infinity objects by strictly commutative ones. For example, an E-infinity space can be replaced by a strictly commutative monoid in I-diagrams of spaces. The quasi-categorical version of this result is one building block for an interesting rigidification result about multiplicative homotopy theories: we show that every presentably symmetric monoidal infinity-category is represented by a symmetric monoidal model category. (This is based on joint work with C. Schlichtkrull, with D. Kodjabachev, and with T. Nikolaus)   

Time and place: , B638, NH Abels hus
Time and place: , B81
Time and place: , B 638

Given a Nisnevich sheaf (on smooth schemes of finite type) of spectra, there exists a universal process of making it 𝔸1-invariant, called 𝔸1-localization. Unfortunately, this is not a stalkwise process and the property of being stalkwise a connective spectrum may be destroyed. However, the 𝔸1-connectivity theorem of Morel shows that this is not the case when working over a field. We report on joint work with Johannes Schmidt and sketch our approach towards the following theorem: Over a Dedekind scheme with infinite residue fields, 𝔸1-localization decreases the stalkwise connectivity by at most one. As in Morel’s case, we use a strong geometric input which is a Nisnevich-local version of Gabber’s geometric presentation result over a henselian discrete valuation ring with infinite residue field.  

Time and place: , B 637 NHA

The advances on the Milnor- and Bloch-Kato conjectures have led to a good  understanding of motivic cohomology and algebraic K-theory with finite  coefficients.  However, important questions remain about rational motivic  cohomology and algebraic K-theory, including the Beilinson-Soulé vanishing  conjecture.  We discuss how the speaker's "connectivity conjecture" for  the stable rank filtration of algebraic K-theory leads to the construction  of chain complexes whose cohomology groups may compute rational motivic  cohomology, and simultaneously satisfy the vanishing conjecture.  These  "rank complexes" serve a similar purpose as Goncharov's candidates for  motivic complexes, but have the advantage that they have a precise  relation to rational algebraic K-theory.