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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 157

Time and place: , NHA Hus, B71

Jens Kaad (Trieste), will give a talk with title "Joint torsion line bundles of commuting operators"


In this talk I’ll associate a holomorphic line bundle to any commuting tuple of bounded operators on a Hilbert space. The transition functions for this bundle are given by the joint torsion which compares determinants of Fredholm complexes. The joint torsion is an invariant of the second algebraic K-group of the Calkin algebra (bounded operators modulo trace class operators). The main step is to prove that the transition functions for the joint torsion line bundle are indeed holomorphic. This is carried out by studying the Quillen-Freed holomorphic determinant line bundle over the space of Fredholm complexes. In particular I will construct a holomorphic section of a certain pull-back of this bundle. The talk is based on joint work with Ryszard Nest.


Time and place: , NHA Hus, B1036

Magnus D. Norling will give a talk with title "Universal coefficient theorem in KK-theory". This presentation is part of the final act of the course on "The Baum-Connes conjecture and KK-theory".

Time and place: , NHA Hus, B1036

Bas Jordans will give a talk with title  "Higson's characterization of KK-theory". This presentation is  part of the final act of the course on "The Baum-Connes conjecture and Kasparov's KK-theory".


Steffen Grønneberg (BI Norwegian Business School), gives a seminar in  Auditorium 4, Vilhelm Bjerknes house, at 14:15, Tuesday May 27th:

Econometric inference theories and multiple use of the same data



Time and place: , B81

Professor Harry Zheng (Imperial College, London) holder et seminar med tittelen: Existence and Construction of Smooth Solutions to HJB Equations and Applications