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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 170

Time and place: , B63 NHA

Abstract: We will give a brief introduction to motivic homotopy theory followed by a discussion on how a theorem of Gabber may be used to avoid assuming that resolution of singularities holds in positive characteristic. The first half will be aimed at a general audience of topologists. The second will feature more algebraic geometry, however we will still try and keep it accessible to topologists.

Time and place: , b1025, NHA

Analysis and Application of Polygonal and Serendipity Finite Element Methods

Time and place: , B1036

Nils Detering (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) holder et seminar med tittelen: Pricing & hedging asian-style options in energy

Time and place: , Auditorium 4, Vilhelm Bjerknes hus

Philip Jonathan (Shell Projects & Technology, U.K. and Lancaster University) and David Randell (Shell Projects & Technology  and Durham University) will give two talks:

Modelling extreme environments


Locating and quantifying gas emission sources using remotely obtained concentration data