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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 205

Time and place: , B91

Stratified flow phenomena are prevalent throughout the oceans. We present the results of laboratory experiments that study several ocean inspired problems, including: the settling of marine snow, spontaneous propulsion of asymmetric objects and the generation of internal wave beams by topography. These experiments cover a large range of physical scales, from as small as 100 microns for the settling of marine snow to several meters for internal wave generation, emphasizing the richness of interesting and important research problems is stratified flow

Dr. Tom Peacock of Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, MIT is a visitor at the BILAT-program. He is an expert on theoretical physics, and does currently theoretical, experimental and field work on internal waves in the ocean.

Time and place: , B91



Short presentation of Shell Technology Norway, STN STN strategy and focusing areas Typical Subsea and cleaner production activities Typical RD projects A typical field development project, Ormen Lange STN RD challenges
Time and place: , B91

In a recent Ph.D. project the possibility of applying the Discontinuous Galerkin spectral/hp element method for the next generation of Boussinesq-type models has been investigated. These numerical methods have reached a level of maturity that turns them into an attractive alternative to the existing Boussinesq-type models, which traditionally have been based on finite difference methods in structured domains. In particular, we seek to take advantage of the geometrical flexibility of spectral/hp finite element methods to enable us to solve wave problems in increasingly complex environments. A nodal discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (DG-FEM) is used for the spatial discretization to solve a recently derived set of high-order Boussinesq-type equations [1] in complex and curvilinear geometries, and thereby amends the application range of previous numerical models. The new Boussinesq method allows for the accurate description of fully nonlinear and dispersive water waves in both shallow and deep waters, and to demonstrate and investigate the applicability of the model both linear and nonlinear test cases have been considered where water waves interact with bottom-mounted fully reflecting structures. References [1] Madsen, P. A., Bingham, H. B. and Liu, H. 2002 A new Boussinesq method for fully nonlinear waves from shallow to deep water. J. Fluid Mech. 462, pp. 1-30.

Dr. Allan Engsig-Karup is at Coastal, Maritime and Structural Engineering Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Lyngby, Denmark.

Time and place: , B91

Oljeindustrien i Norge startet opp på 70-tallet, dvs. at mange av de konstruksjoner som står i nordsjøen nå er over 30år gamle. Ny teknologi gjør at oljeselskapene kan ta ut mer olje og gass av reservoarene enn det som opprinnelig var planlagt. Dessuten finner de nye felt som utvinnes via undervannsteknologi, men som fordrer behandling på eksisterende konstruksjoner. Dette gjør at levetiden til eksisterende konstruksjoner må forlenges. Forlengelse av levetid for store komplekse konstruksjoner er en av kjernevirksomhetene til konstruksjonsavdelingen i FORCE Technology. Ved bruk av avanserte berengningsmodeller/programmer bistår vi våre kunder med å evaluere nye miljølaster (bølger, vind, strøm etc.), nye vekter og ikke minst konstruksjonens integritet som følge av disse nye endringene. Foredraget vil gi eksempler på noen prosjekter FORCE jobber med, programmer vi bruker og teorien bak noen av disse.  Vi ønsker ikke minst studenter velkommen til seminaret. Både interesserte på bachelor- og masterstudiet. Det vil være mulighet for en samtale med FORCE etter foredraget med tanke på mulig ansettelse i FORCE. Klikk herfor mer informasjon.