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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 33

Time and place: , B723

Alexander Müller-Hermes will give a talk with title: Capacities of quantum channels


Time and place: , NHA B1120

Abstract (PDF)

Time and place: , NHA B1120

In 80s Weibel observed that K-theory is homotopy invariant on Fp-schemes up to p-torsion. His main tool was the action of the ring Witt vectors on nil-K-groups: NKi(R) = Ker(Ki(R[t]) → Ki(R)). We will revisit the proof and check that the same result holds for all finitary localizing invariants.

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, 9th floor

Stephen Hladky presents work in collaboration with Margery A. Barrand (both Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge).

Abstract: Extravascular fluxes of marker substances and some wastes are sufficiently fast that there is almost certain to be a component of flow augmenting their diffusion in the parenchyma. There have been two major proposals for how this flow is produced and where it is important. The evidence for the classical and glymphatic hypotheses will be reviewed. Extravascular, and in particular perivascular, routes for fluid movement out of the parenchyma to lymphatics may be important in the development of hydrocephalus.

Time and place: , NHA 723 and Online