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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 66

Time and place: , 1020 NHA

Abstract:  "The study of foliations falls largely into two parts: One can study the leaf geometry or one can study transversally elliptic operators. The leaf geometry consists of studying the individual submanifolds and how they lie within the manifold. On the other hand, the study of transversally elliptic operators was initiated in the seminal work of Atiyah. This talk will be arranged as follows: The first part will be an introduction to Riemannian foliations and transverse geometry, and the second part is a survey of the results on transversally elliptic operators, foliated gauge theory and some recent work."  

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels Hus: Room 1120

Prof. Rüdiger Kiesel from the University of Duisburg-Essen will give a Seminar Lecture with the Title: "Carbon Risks on Financial Markets"

Time and place: , Vienna, Austria

You are cordially invited to an afternoon of three seminar talks on recent topics in stochastic analysis in high dimensions. The talks take place at the Wolfgang Pauli Institute in Vienna, Austria (