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Guest lectures and seminars - Page 98

Time and place: , Gates of Eden

Zahra Afsar (University of Wollongong, Australia) will give a talk with title: Nica-Toeplitz-algebras of *-commuting local homeomorphisms and equilibrium states

Abstract: Given a family of *-commuting local homeomorphisms on a compact space, we can build a compactly aligned product system of Hilbert bimodules. The product system has a Nica-Toeplitz algebra which carries a gauge action of a higher-dimensional torus, and there are many possible dynamics obtained by composing with different embeddings of the real line in this torus. In this work, which is a joint work with Prof. Astrid an Huef and Prof. Iain Raeburn, I will talk about the equilibrium states of these dynamics. If time allows, I will also provide some examples from higher rank graph theory and reconcile our results with those existing ones.


Time and place: , NHA B1119
Time and place: , Desolation Row, Sognsveien 77 B

I will give a series of talks about Legendrian contact homology, an invariant of Legendrian submanifolds in 1-jet spaces, defined by a count of pseudo-holomorphic curves. In this first lecture I will give a brief and gentle introduction to symplectic and contact geometry, with focus on Lagrangian and Legendrian submanifolds. No previous knowledge about the subject is needed, except for elementary knowledge about differentiable manifolds.   

Time and place: , Seminar room "End of the Line" (2nd floor), Sognsveien 77B, UllevÄl Stadion
Time and place: , Ole Johan Dahls hus