New Face: Mathijs Janssen

From : Netherland

Start date: 01.10.2020

Section: 1 - Mechanics

Image may contain: Person, Hair, Chin, Smile, Forehead.

Link to homepage

As of 01.10.2020, I will be a (postdoctoral) Scientia fellow in Andreas Carlon's group. In collaboration with cell biologists of Harald Stenmark's group, we will study the formation of so-called intraluminal vesicles in cellular organelles. I will develop membrane models for this process that account for concomitant protein ad/desorption and cytosolic fluid flow.  
​Before coming to Oslo, I obtained a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Utrecht University and I did a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute (IS) in Stuttgart. There, I studied the out-of-equilibrium behavior of electrolytes near charged surfaces, often in collaboration with experimentalists. ​


Published Oct. 14, 2020 1:45 PM - Last modified Apr. 24, 2023 10:01 AM