Research projects

The project Electricity markets: modelling, optimization and simulation, acronymed EMMOS is funded by the Norwegian Research Council under the EVITA program. EMMOS is running for 4 years, starting from January 1, 2011, and focuses on development and analysis of electricity markets. The project leader is professor Fred Espen Benth.

The ambition of this project is to set the scene for a number of new research directions based on FEEC by giving ground-breaking contributions to its foundation. The aim is also to use FEEC as a tool, or a guideline, to extend the foundation of numerical PDE to a variety of problems for which this foundation does not exist.

Managing Weather Risk in Electricity Markets (acronymed MAWREM) is a four-year research project funded by the Norwegian Research Council under the RENERGI program. MAWREM started in January 2012, and the scientific leader is professor Fred Espen Benth at Center of Mathematics for Applications.