Masters of Science, Cand.real., Cand. scient., PhDs with Nils Lid Hjort (and cosupervisors)

This is a list of Nils Lid Hjort's supervisees, from about 1979 to about 2024, with titles cand. real., masters, cand.scient., dr. scient., PhD, also outside the University of Oslo. The list will be finetuned & polished & updated. As of April 2024, Hjort has three ongoing PhD candidates and two master students, all of whom will land in this list.

When finishing a master's or PhD with Nils, you'll be applauded and perhaps besungen, here with selveste Blindern Stunt- og Popup-kor (conductor: Tor Tveite).

PhDs (philosophiae doctor) 

  • Dennis Christensen (2024, cosupervised with Erik Unneberg): Zero or One, Up or Down.

  • Jonas Moss (2020, cosupervised with Riccardo de Bin): Psychometrics and the Modelling of Publication Bias.

  • Emil Aas Stoltenberg (2020, cosupervised with Sven Ove Samuelsen): Epidemiological, Econometric, and Decision Theoretic Applications of Statistical Inference.

  • Federico Ferraccioli (2019, cosupervised with L.M. Sangalli): Nonparametric Methods for Complex Spatial Domains: Density Estimation and Hypothesis Testing. Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Statistiche, Universit‘a degli Studi di Padova.

  • Martin Tveten (2021, cosupervised with Ingrid Glad): Scalable change and Anomaly Detection in Cross-Correlated Data.

  • Vinnie Ko (2019, cosupervised with Ingrid Hobæk Haff): Model Selection for Copulae and Model Pruning for Neural Networks.

  • Céline Cunen (2018): Wars and Whales: Extensions and Applications of Confidence Curves and Focused Model Selection.

  • Martin Jullum (2016, cosupervised with Odd Kolbjørnsen): New Focused Approaches to Topics Within Model Selection and Approximate Bayesian Inversion.

  • Jana Timkova (2014, cosupervised with P. Volf): Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood Nonparametric Estimation in the monotone Aalen model, Karl University, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Gudmund Horn Hermansen (2014, cosupervised with Arnoldo Frigessi): Model Selection and Bayesian Nonparametrics for Time Series and Nonstandard Regression Models. 
  • Gunnhildur Högnadottir Steinbakk (2008, cosupervised with Bent Natvig): Conceptual and Computational Issues for Bayesian Model Criticism.

  • Steffen Grønneberg (2011): Some Applications of Stochastic Process Techniques to Statistics.

  • Trond Reitan (2008, cosupervised with Bent Natvig): Classical and Bayesian Nonlinear Regression Applied to Hydraulic Rating Curve Inference.

  • Pierpaolo De Blasi (2006): Bayesian Nonparametrics for Survival Analysis, University of Bocconi, Milano, Italy. Honourable Mention, Leonard J. Savage Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation, awarded by American Statistical Association and International Society for Bayesian Analysis.

  • Bård Espen Storvik (1998): Contributions to Nonparametric Curve Estimation, cand. scient. degree.

  • Gudmund Høst (1996): Contributions to the Analysis of Spatial and Spatial-Temporal Data, cand. scient. degree.

  • Mariken Homleid (1995): Statistical Methods Applied in Meteorology, cand. scient. degree.

(The Nils Supervisees are free to agree or disagree with this particular claim.)


  • Céline Cunen (c. 2020-2021) 
  • Kristoffer Herland Hellton (c. 2017, part of FocuStat NFR project)
  • Gudmund Horn Hermansen (c. 2017, part of FocuStat NFR project)
  • Fredrik Dahl (c. 2008, part of Hierarchical Bayesian Models NFR project) 
  • Helge Blaker (c. 2001) 

(some details to be filled in) 

Masters of Science

  • Catharina Stoltenberg (2021, cosupervised with Céline Cunen): A Class of Parametric Survival Models via Dirichlet Processes. 

  • S.N.U. Hjort (2022). Modning og sorg i William Wordsworths dikt "The Boy of Winander: En psykoanalytisk fortolkning. Master thesis, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo,

  • Marthe Elisabeth Aastveit (2021, cosupervised with Céline Cunen): Multi-State Models for Interval-Censored Data with Transition Times from Gamma Processes.

  • Ingrid Dæhlen (2021): Empirical and Hybrid Likelihood. Awarded the Norwegian Computing Centre Prize for best Master Thesis.

  • Elisabeth Nesheim Hagen (2020, cosupervised with Céline Cunen): Tests of Homogeneity and Changepoint Inference: A Study of Sequences of Observations with a Potential Sudden Change in their Underlying Parameters.

  • Jens Kristoffer Haug (2019, cosupervised with Haavard Nygaard): Focused Model Selection for Markov Chain Models, with an Application to Armed Conflict Data.

  • Jonas Gjesvik (2019, cosupervised with Riccardo de Bin): Statistical Modelling of Goalkeepers in the Norwegian Tippeliga.

  • A.L. Hjort (2019). International Courts' Approach to Interpretation of Security Council Resolutions. Master's degree thesis, the Faculty of Law, University of Oslo.

  • Riccardo Parviero (2018, cosupervised with Kristoffer Hellton): Improving Ridge Regression via Model Selection and Focussed Fine-Tuning. Tesi de laurea magistrale, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

  • Josephina Arguryo (2017): Topics in Confidence Distributions.

  • Leiv Tore Salte Rønneberg (2017): Fiducial and Objective Inference: History, Theory, and Comparisons.

  • S. Barua (2017, cosupervised with Ingrid Glad): Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation for the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio. 

  • Jonas Gjertsen Moss (2015): Cube Root Asymptotics. 

  • Audun Mathias Øygard (2015, cosupervised by Gudmund Hermansen); Measuring Similarity of Classified Advertisements Using Images and Text with Applications to Recommendation and Search at 

  • Emil Aas Stoltenberg (2015): The c-loss Function: Balancing Total and Individual Risk in the Simultaneous Estimation of Poisson Means.

  • Peder Østbye (2014): Cost Information-Value Trade-off in Covariate Selection.

  • Emil Mogstad (2013): Mode Hunting and Density Estimation with the Focused Information Criterion.

  • Martin Lerudjordet (2012): Statistical Analysis of Track and Field Data.

  • Martin Jullum (2012): Focused Information Criteria for Selecting among Parametric and Nonparametric Models. Awarded the Norwegican Computing Centre Prize.

  • Hilde Galleberg Johnsen (2011): Regularized Parameter Estimation and the Choice of Tuning Parameters.

  • Roar Brænden (2010, co-supervised with Ingrid Glad): Kontekstuell klassifisering av bilder for ̊a kartlegge akvatisk vegetasjon.

  • J.L. Hjort (2008): Refleksiv i tet? En kvalitativ analyse av jusstudentenes orientering i samfunnet, Master's degree thesis, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo.

  • Gudmund Hermansen (2008): Bayesian Nonparametric Modelling of Covariance Functions, with Application to Time Series and Spatial Statistics.

  • Simen Gan Schweder (2008): Recommender Systems and the Netflix Prize.

  • Steffen Grønneberg (2007): On the Errors Committed by Sequences of Strongly Consistent Estimators.

  • Jon Ingulf Medbø (2006): Multivariate analyser av data i Torgersensaka.

  • Anne Kirstine Eskeland (2006, cosupervised with Ingrid Glad): Minimum Distance Estimators and Robust Inference in Regression Models.

  • Jon Ingulf Medbø (2006): Multivariate analyser av data i Torgersen-saka (in Norwegian).
  • Anne Kristine Eskeland (2006, cosupervised with Ingrid Glad): Minimum Distance Estimators and Robust Inference in Regression Models.
  • Hayat Mohammed (2006, cosupervised by Ingrid Glad): Estimation of the Binomial Parameters N and p when Both are Unknown.

Cand. scient. (Candidatus scientiarum, Candidata scientiarum)

  • (xx a few others here? xx)
  • Mats Sollie (2000): Event History Analysis of Client Behaviour in an Insurance Company.
  • Johan Fosen (1997): Local Likelihood Density Estimation.
  • Fupeng Ye (1997): Hazard Rate Estimation via Orthogonal Expansions.
  • Unn Helene Høydahl (1996): Hazard Rate Estimation.
  • Morten Byholt (1996): Bayesian Density Estimation with a Local Likelihood.
  • Knut Carsen Heim Nielsen (1996): The Interpolatedly Empirical Density Function.
  • Siri Størmer (1995): A Study of the Difference between Inner and Outer Lane Results for 1000 Meter Sprint Speed Skating.
  • Kjetil Kåresen (1992): Parametric Estimation: Choosing between Narrow and Wide models.
  • Manjula Arulchelvam (1992): Some Topics Pertaining to Parametric Survival Data Models.
  • Anne Marie Fenstad (1992): How much Dependence can the Independence Assumption Tolerate? (in Norwegian)
  • Bård Espen Storvik (1991): Bivariate Density Estimation (in Norwegian).
  • Petter O. Pripp (1990): Binary Markov Random Field Models for Symbol Recognition (in Norwegian).
  • Geir Olve Storvik (1985): Estimating Parameters in Linearly Structured Covariance Matrices, with Applications to Spatial Classification (in Norwegian; jointly supervised with Erik Mohn).

Cand. real. (Candidatus realium, Candidata realia)

  • Morten Folkeson (cand. real., 1984): Goodness of Fit Tests Based on Quantile Processes (in Norwegian).
  • Kjetil Grandal (cand. real., 1983): Optimality of Confidence Regions, in a Decision Theoretic Dramework (in Norwegian).
  • Otto Johansen (cand. real., 1979): Testing Distributional Assumptions Using the Order Statistics Proces (in Norwegian)
  • Nils Lid Hjort (cand. real., 1977, supervised by Nils Lid Hjort): The Dirichlet Process and Applications to Nonparametric Estimation Problems, Universities of Tromsø and Oslo. 
Published Mar. 31, 2024 12:51 PM - Last modified June 25, 2024 4:55 PM