Intensive course

The power industry must buy permits to emit CO2.


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The MAWREM project will organize annually an intensive two-day course on a selected topic relevant to the research activity. The course is targeted both to academia and industry, and free of charge to participate.


Time and place: , Und. rom 108, NIls Henrik Abels hus

We welcome participants from industry and academia to an intensive course devoted to modelling an managing risk in energy markets. The course leader is professor Fred Espen Benth, who will guide you through recent developments in the stochastics of energy markets. 

Time and place: , Seminar room 1259, Nils Henrik Abels hus, Blindern
Time and place: , The Academy of Sciences and Letters

The two-day workshop on "Stochastics and Risk for Energy Markets" will consist of an intensive course on energy markets provided by Professor Rudiger Kiesel from University of Essen-Duisburg, as well as several invited talks. The workshop aims at bringing together practitioners from the energy and finance industry with researchers from academia.

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, B1036

Dr Rene Aid from EDF (Electricite de France) will give a 2 day intensive course on pricing and modelling electricity markets and derivatives.

The participation is free. Please register your attendance by sending an email to Fred Espen Benth: fredb 'at' at least one week before the course. There is a limited amount of places available.

Time and place: , CMA seminar room, 10th floor NIls Henrik Abels hus, UiO, Blindern