Energy risk intensive course

We welcome participants from industry and academia to an intensive course devoted to modelling an managing risk in energy markets. The course leader is professor Fred Espen Benth, who will guide you through recent developments in the stochastics of energy markets. 

Over the last four years, the research project "Managing Weather Risk in Energy Markets (MAWREM)" has developed new tools and insights in the modelling and managing risk in energy markets. In particular, the focus has been on weather factors like temperature and wind. The course consists of 4 lecture hours, with topics including

  • Stochastic modelling of spot and forward prices
  • Co-integration in cross-commodity markets
  • The stochastic dynamics of temperature and wind
  • Pricing of weather related options (quanto-options) and spreads

The course material will be made freely available to all participants.

The MAWREM project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council under the ENERGIX program. 

There is no participation fee, but registration is mandatory (please send an email to the course leader Fred Espen Benth: fredb "at"


Fred Espen Benth
Published Nov. 4, 2015 10:31 AM - Last modified Nov. 5, 2015 8:25 AM