Topology Meeting at the University of Oslo

On the 29th and 30th of May, a topology meeting will convene at the University of Oslo to discuss a broad range of topics in topology, including topological Hochschild homology, motivic homotopy theory, symplectic geometry, and low-dimensional geometry.

Funding provided by: Research Council of Norway

Emanuele Dotto 
Martin Frankland 
Grigory Garkusha 
Cecilia Karlsson 
Andrew Lobb
Kristian Moi 
Markus Spitzweck
Raphael Zentner
Conference Dinner: To be arranged.
Registration: If you wish to attend any of the planned activities of the meeting, please email Glen Wilson at with the information listed below that is relevant to you. If you intend to come to the meeting, but are uncertain of your arrival and departure dates, please register as soon as possible and then send updated arrival and departure dates once you have finalized your travel arrangements. 
University or Organization: 
Arrival and departure dates: 
Do you intend to stay at Thon Hotel Ullevål?
Do you request funding for your travel or accommodations? 
Do you wish to go to the planned dinner on May 29?
Accommodations: Participants are kindly asked to book their own travel and hotel room for the conference. We have reserved several rooms at the Thon Hotel Ullevål from 28 May until 31 May 2018. To reserve these rooms at the special rate, please call +47 22 02 80 00, citing the block-id: 25431809. We have limited funding to reimburse travel expenses. 
Published Apr. 19, 2018 12:52 PM - Last modified Apr. 19, 2018 12:52 PM