Who we are, part I

Short introduction about the QOMBINE members


Throughout my career as an operator algebraist I have been interested in various topics, e.g., crossed product algebras arising from noncommutative dynamical systems, spectrum approximation for self-adjoint operators via C*-algebras, amenability aspects of quantum groups, twisted group C*-algebras, and Cuntz-Krieger algebras of left cancellative small categories. Within the Qombine-project, I will probably be mostly involved in the EC work package. There, my knowledge of projective representation theory for groups and twisted Fourier analysis should be useful in order to improve some of the existing benchmarking protocols for noisy quantum channels and investigate how error mitigation can be achieved via randomized compiling and twirling methods.

Eric Christophe Bedos at Department of Mathematics


I have an MSc in theoretical physics with emphasis on mathematical physics and condensed matter theory. I shall be working on the QOMBINE research project under the supervision of Prof. Nadia S. Larsen and Prof. Sergey Neshveyev working on C*-algebras and their applications in quantum field theory and many-body physics, in particular coupled cluster theory. In my spare time, I enjoy working out, socializing, and homebrewing.

Snorre Bergan at Department of Mathematics


I am originally from Japan, and joined the  operator algebra research group at University of Oslo 4 years ago. I work on various topics around operator algebras, noncommutative geometry, and quantum groups. In this project, I am mainly involved in the parts about topological quantum computation and non-locality problems. Besides, I am the “IT guy” behind this blog, twitter, etc..

Makoto Yamashita at Department of Mathematics

Tags: qombine By Eric Bedos, Snorre Bergan, Makoto Yamashita
Published Jan. 30, 2023 10:46 AM - Last modified Jan. 31, 2023 9:17 PM
Blog from QOMBINE, an interdisciplinary project.