Guest accounts at the Department

We have an ever increasing number of guests at the Department. This document answers basic questions for guests with regards to their IT requirements.

UiO has differentiated guests into three different categories. They are limited by the duration of the stay. 

  1. Short term guest, staying for up to four weeks,
  2. Long term guest for any stay longer than four weeks,
  3. Personal guests who only require wireless access.

Short term guests

Short-term guests usually just receive a non-personal guest account. These accounts have a maximum duration of four weeks. Please send an email to drift@math with the following information:

  • The start and end of the stay. Keep in mind the 28-day limit.
  • The primary contact for the guest (often yourself).
  • The full name of the guest.

These requests will normally be processed within a day or two, and usually the password sheet for the accounts will be queued in your name in the pullprint system so you can have the sheets printed by swiping your card. Please keep in mind that these password sheets will only be available in the printing system for 24 hours. 

Short term guests do not have an email account at UiO or the department and once their account expires all data stored on their guest account will be deleted.

Long term guests

If your guest will stay for more than four weeks, and needs more than just wireless access, the person needs to be registered as an affiliated guest at the university. This is done by sending Yngvar Reichelt an email with the following information:

  • Full name (as listed in official paperwork, like a passport)
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Passport number (or for Norwegians, their complete birth number. Do not send this in an email, contact Yngvar in person with this information)
  • Official address for the person (this is what they would call their home address, not their guest address while at UiO) 
  • Private mobile phone number; registration provides access to UiO's password change service by SMS.

Once this information has been received and processed by Yngvar he will send it off to USIT, who will create the person in the IT-systems at UiO. There is no way for anyone at the department to expedite this process. After 2-7 days, the person is registered in the system and drift@math can create a personal account for the guest. This is best done by sending the guest down to room B701 with a valid ID.

Personal wireless guests

If the guest only needs access to the wireless network one can create a wireless account for the person in question via brukerinfo by oneself. Log in to brukerinfo and look at the pane labelled "Wireless accounts". This account will work on eduroam within 10-15 minutes. However, keep in mind that this account will not be able to access any computer resources at UiO.

Computer access

Both short term guest with non-personal accounts and long term guests with personal accounts should have access to the departments computers. Personal wireless guests do not have access to your computers, including our servers. If the guest is to be provided with a desk and a computer, please verify this with Yngvar Reichelt and have him contact drift@math with the room number and seating space within the room if it is a shared office. Keep in mind that this process can take a few days.


Guests (both with personal and non-personal accounts) need an ID-card to print. It doesn't matter if it is a guest card or a personalised card, but it has to be registered with the printing system. USIT provides documentation on how to do this. Once that is done, the guest can swipe their card and print just the same way as an employee.

Published Aug. 3, 2016 6:18 PM - Last modified May 30, 2023 11:09 AM