RHEL8 environment

Any computer that runs RHEL9 at the department may still use the software modules the department offered for RHEL8.

Do you really need this?

RHEL9 at the department comes with its own software modules. What you need may already be offered, albeit probably in a newer version. If there is software missing, let us know, and we can probably install it, but for older versions you may need to fall back to the RHEL8 software stack.

How do I use it?

Type rhel8 at a command prompt. You should now be seeing something like this:

terjekv@ninhursaga:~$ rhel8
This is a RHEL8 environment built for the Department of Mathematics, UiO.
Contact drift@math.uio.no for support.

[RHEL8] - terjekv@ninhursaga ~$ 

From here on, you have access to RHEL8 modules via the module command, as if you were on RHEL8. As a comparison:

terjekv@ninhursaga:~$ rhel8
This is a RHEL8 environment built for the Department of Mathematics, UiO.
Contact drift@math.uio.no for support.

[RHEL8] - terjekv@ninhursaga ~$ module avail PyTorch

-------------------- /opt/uio/modules/rhel8/easybuild/modules/bio --------------------

------------------- /opt/uio/modules/rhel8/easybuild/modules/devel -------------------
   PyTorch/1.11.0-foss-2021a-CUDA-11.3.1          (D)

-------------------- /opt/uio/modules/rhel8/easybuild/modules/vis --------------------

   D:  Default Module


[RHEL8] - terjekv@ninhursaga ~$ exit
terjekv@ninhursaga:~$ module avail PyTorch

-------------------- /opt/uio/modules/rhel9/easybuild/modules/all --------------------
   PyTorch-Lightning/1.7.7-foss-2022a             (D)
   PyTorch/1.12.0-foss-2022a                      (D)

   D:  Default Module


Notice that the module list includes the OS version, rhel8 vs rhel9 in the paths.

I can't access my files!

By default the environment only provides access to your home directory and your current working directory. So, if your files are on a research volume on kadingir, start the environment from where your files are, like so:

terjekv@ninhursaga:~$ cd /mn/kadingir/my_research_volume_000000/
terjekv@ninhursaga:/mn/kadingir/my_research_volume_000000$ rhel8
This is a RHEL8 environment built for the Department of Mathematics, UiO.
Contact drift@math.uio.no for support.

[RHEL8] - terjekv@ninhursaga /mn/kadingir/my_research_volume_000000$ 

Now you can access all files and directories, as well as subdirectories, under /mn/kadingir/my_research_volume_000000/

Published Jan. 24, 2023 12:29 PM - Last modified Jan. 24, 2023 12:29 PM