FEniCS 1.5.0 as default.

FEniCS 1.5.0 (built 4th of February 2015) is now the standard FEniCS at the department.

This version has upon request been built with mshr, petsc4py and scipy, and it uses mpich instead of openmpi to get around some hdf5 mpi issues. The sysadmin staff thanks our local testers for their help in verifying the build.  As this is now the standard build, doing

module load FEniCS

will now load FEniCS 1.5.0.  

Edit: A minor upgrade with regards to slepc4py required a rebuild, the default thus got moved to 1.5.0-05.02.2015.

Published Feb. 5, 2015 3:02 PM - Last modified Mar. 20, 2017 12:38 PM