Policies for IT at the Department of Mathematics.

An overview of the policies governing the IT services provided by the department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo.

Research data

Research data is mandated to be stored on central resources owned by the University of Oslo. Copies of the research data may be stored on portable devices when network access is limited or non-existent. Research data is not to be stored on personal devices.

Hardware and Operating systems

The department supports Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and MacOS for stationary computers, and MacOS for laptops.

For fixed employees, the department offers either a stationary computer or a laptop. The exact models of these depend upon current availability and pricing.  Additionally the department provides one or two 24” monitors or equivalent, which is subject to request and availability. The department also provides all needed peripherals such as mice, keyboards, chargers, cabling, etc and more of these are always available. Additional resources require additionally funding, either from projects or other sources. 

For temporary emplyees, the department provides a stationary Linux workstation, one 24” monitor, with a second available upon request,  and any and all relevant peripherals. Laptops for temporary employees are required to be provided through projects or other outside resources. 

Employees and students attached to the department have full access to the department’s full range of computational resources.

Moving offices

Upon moving offices, please contact the sysadmin staff as early as possible. Usually, hardware is bound to offices, not people, so we do not move hardware along with the user. If there is any hardware to be moved, the sysadmin staff is to be involved.

Personal equipment in offices

Personal equipment is not to be persistently located in offices. Personal items such as stationary computers, monitors, docking stations, and similar is not allowed in offices.

Published Oct. 12, 2016 10:32 AM - Last modified May 25, 2020 12:59 PM