This is " smallbabies_readme.txt ", pertaining to Sections 1.5 and 9.2, Example 2.4, 3.3 and 6.1. The file " smallbabies_data " is from Hosmer and Lemeshow (1999, Appendix II), and gives data on 189 mothers and their newborn children. The 189 data rows provide . idnumber, . indicator for weight of baby being less than 2500 gram, . age . mother's weight, in pounds (but see below), . race (1 = white, 2 = black, 3 = other), . smoking (1 for yes, 0 for no), . ptl, history of premature labour (on a 0,1,2 scale), . ht, history of hypertension (1/0 for yes/no), . ui, presence of uterine irritability (1/0 for yes/no), . ftv, number of physician visits during the first trimester (from 0 to 6), . bwt, the baby's weight in gram. In R, the data are read and further organised as follows: data <- matrix( scan("smallbabies_data", skip=3), ncol=11, byrow=TRUE ) idnumber <- data[ ,1] yy <- data[ ,2] age <- data[ ,3] lwt <- data[, 4] race <- data[ ,5] smoke <- data[ ,6] ptl <- data[ ,7] ht <- data[ ,8] ui <- data[ ,9] ftv <- data[ ,10] bwt <- data[ ,11] followed by lwtkg <- lwt / 2.2 # since we do take mother's weight in kg, not pounds race2 <- 1*(race==2) race3 <- 1*(race==3) ftv1 <- 1*(ftv==1) ftv2p <- 1*(ftv >= 2) one <- 1 + 0*(1:length(yy)) x1 <- one x2 <- lwtkg z1 <- age z2 <- race2 z3 <- race3 z4 <- smoke z5 <- ptl z6 <- ht z7 <- ui z8 <- ftv1 z9 <- ftv2p z10 <- smoke*ui z11 <- age*ftv2