About courses for exchange students at the Department of Mathematics

Here is some general information about courses and course groups. Note especially that the first of the four digits in a course code indicates the level of the course.

Here is a list of courses offered in English at the department. The list can be sorted by semester or level. Please note that the list for the coming Spring semester is complete by the end of November, and for the coming Autumn semester by the end of May.

All our beginner courses are given in Norwegian, so any course given in English will have some recommended prerequisites in the form of courses at university level. Information about recommended previous knowledge is found on the course web page, topics covered in the listed courses there will be regarded as known. 

Courses starting with MAT are courses in mathematics, STK courses are in statistics and MEK courses are in mechanics.

Generally you will need at least 30 ECTS points in calculus and linear algebra to be able to follow courses on 2000 level. For courses on 3000 level you will need additional mathematical/statistical knowledge, usually in real and complex analysis.

To be able to follow courses on Master's level you will need a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in the subject you want to study. For courses with code MAT4xxx you need a Bachelor's degree in mathematics, codes STK4xxx requires a Bachelor's degree in mathematical statistics and MEK4xxx will be based on a Bachelor's degree in mechanics (or math and physics).

Here is a list of recommended courses given at the Department of Mathematics.

If you have questions about the content of a courses or prerequisites, please contact the Student Administration at the Department of Mathematics: studieinfo@math.uio.no

In order to prepare for arrival at UiO, registration, and semester start, please see the website for new international students.

Published Jan. 25, 2011 2:20 PM - Last modified Feb. 10, 2021 1:26 PM