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Writing Course - Scientificness in Mathematical Subjects

The course provides the student with scientific knowledge in mathematical subjects, enabling him/her to begin the work with a master's thesis. Key topics in the course are literature retrieval, data management, writing and presentation. 

After completing the course you should:

  • be able to find, read, evaluate and use scientific literature
  • know principles and tools of scientific communication; written, verbally and visually
  • know the practice of handling and presenting data
​Thursday January 19 Subject ​Lecturer About

Getting a master's degree in mathematics and Scientificness in mathematics

Lars Henry Berge Olsen and ​Karoline Moe


What I would have done differently in my master's thesis

Searching, source criticism, reading, ethics, cheating, plagiarism and citing and the reference list

Mathematics at the library:


Writing in mathematics

Karoline Moe

Structure of the thesis, mathematical subtleties and useful writing tips

See also Phd on track and Søk og skriv


LaTeX for large documents


Karoline Moe

How to organise the writing


Requires some familiarity with LaTeX

Efficient reference management with LaTeX


Martin Helsø's Introduction to BibLaTeX


​Friday January 20 Subject ​Lecturer About

Data management

From IT-Drift

Live Kvale and Lucy Karpen

File sense, meta data, data management plan and much more

Panda video

For data archiving check out 


​10:15-11:00 Simple design principles and Beamer Karoline Moe

Applications of design principles to master's thesis, illustrations, figures and tables



​11:15-12:00 Oral presentation and Part of the research world Karoline Moe

Presentation technique, talks, blackboard and slide shows

What happens when you are done?

- AB123C

 LaTeX questions? Contact

Published Jan. 3, 2023 9:56 AM - Last modified Jan. 23, 2023 9:49 AM