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Tid og sted: , B935 NHA

This is a work we had done jointly with Garkusha (after Voevodsky) arXiv:1409.4372. Using the machinery of framed sheaves developed by Voevodsky, a triangulated category of framed motives is introduced and studied. To any smooth algebraic variety X in Sm/k, the framed motive M_fr(X) is associated in that category . Also, for any smooth scheme X in Sm/k an explicit quasi-fibrant motivic replacement of its suspension P1-spectrum is given. Moreover, it is shown that the bispectrum (M_fr(X),M_fr(X)(1),M_fr(X)(2), ... ), each term of which is a twisted framed motive of X, has motivic homotopy type of the suspension bispectrum of X. We also construct a compactly generated triangulated category of framed bispectra SH_fr(k) and show that it reconstructs the Morel-Voevodsky category SH(k). As a topological application, it is proved that the framed motive M_fr(pt)(pt) of the point pt = Speck evaluated at pt is a quasi-fibrant model of the classical sphere spectrum whenever the base field k is algebraically closed of characteristic zero.   

Tid og sted: , B62 NHA

The goal of this talk is to present some recent computations of the Picard groups of several spectra of topological modular forms. The first part of the talk will introduce the toolbox, which consists of descent theory and a technical lemma allowing us to compare stable and unstable information in spectral sequences. This is joint work with Akhil Mathew.   

Tid og sted: , room 107, 1st floor N.H. Abels House

Tore Selland Kleppe (University of Stavanger) gives a seminar in room 107, 1st floor N.H. Abels House at 14:15 November 11th: Bandwidth Selection In Pre-Smoothed Particle Filters

Tid og sted: , NHA B71

Marco Matassa (UiO) will give a talk with title: Dirac Operators on Quantum Flag Manifolds

Abstract: I will review the paper "Dirac Operators on Quantum Flag Manifolds" by Ulrich Krähmer. The aim is to define Dirac operators on quantized irreducible flag manifolds. These will yield Hilbert space realizations of some distinguished covariant first-order differential calculi.


Tid og sted: , B 62 NHA

Jeg vil definere Singerkonstruksjonen R_+(M) og gjennomføre Adams-Gunawardena-Millers bevis av Lins teorem.  

Tid og sted: , NHA bygget 9 etg B91

The Lattice Boltzmann Method and its application in modeling of physiological  flows

Tid og sted: , B 62 NHA

Jeg vil snakke om de endelige underalgebraene A(n) i Steenrodalgebraen, analysere A(n)-modulstrukturen til den kontinuerlige kohomologien til Tatekonstruksjonen, og skissere Lin-Davis-Mahowald-Adams' bevis av Lins teorem. 

Tid og sted: , NHA Hus, B71

Adam Sørensen (UiO) will give a talk with title: Almost commuting matrices

Abstract: Two matrices A,B are said to almost commute if AB is close to BA (in a suitable norm). A question of Halmos, answered by Lin, asks if two almost commuting self-adjoint matrices are always close to two exactly commuting self-adjoint matrices. We will survey what is known about this and similar questions, and report on recent work with Loring concerning how the questions change if we look at real rather than complex matrices.


Tid og sted: , Room 107, N.H.Abels House

Kristan Ranestad (Dept. of Math, UiO) gives a seminar in room 107, 1st floor N.H. Abels House at 14:15 Tuesday October 14th. Algebra og statistics: Phylogenetic models from an algebraic geometric viewpoint


Tid og sted: , B 62 NHA

Jeg avslutter reduksjonen av Segalformodningen til et algebraisk spørsmål om en Ext-ekvivalens, og vil se i mer detalj på hvordan Pontryagin--Thom-konstruksjonen brukes til å bevise Wirthmüller- og Adams transfer-ekvivalensene i stabil ekvivariant homotopiteori. 

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugge, seminar room 3.
Tid og sted: , B91

Victor Haughton, Professor of Radiology at the University of Wisconsin

and Adjunct Research Scientist at Simula Research Laboratory


Ørnulf Borgan (Department of Mathematics,UiO) gives a seminar

in room 107, 1st floor N.H. Abels House at 14:15 Tuesday September 23rd:

Using cumulative sums of martingale residuals for model checking in nested case-control studies  

Tid og sted: , B 62 NHA

Jeg vil vise hvordan Segalformodningen kan omformuleres, ved hjelp av Tatekonstruksjonen, norm-restriksjonssekvensene, Warwick dualitet og Adams' transferekvivalens, til en form som lettere lar seg bevise v.h.a. den algebraiske Singerkonstruksjonen. Dette er det andre i en serie foredrag som sikter mot å gi et bevis for en versjon av Segalformodningen i motivisk homotopiteori. 


Abstract: We show that the discrete duals of the so called free orthogonal quantum groups have the completely contractive approximation property, analogous to the free groups. The proof relies on the structure of representation categories of these quantum groups, on the C*-algebraic structure of SUq(2), and on the free product techniques of Ricard and Xu. This talk is based on joint work with Kenny De Commer and Amaury Freslon.

Tid og sted: , B 70 NHA

Motivert av Atiyah og Segals kompletteringsteorem for ekvivariant topologisk K-teori formulerte Graeme Segal en tilsvarende formodning om ekvivariant stabil kohomotopi. Jeg vil minne om hva teoremet og formodningen sier, og vise hvordan Segalformodningen kan omformuleres, ved hjelp av norm-restriksjonssekvensene, til en form som lettere lar seg bevise v.h.a. den algebraiske Singerkonstruksjonen. Tanken er at dette skal være det første av en serie foredrag som sikter mot å gi et bevis for en versjon av Segalformodningen i motivisk homotopiteori. Dette var temaet for Thomas Gregersens PhD-avhandling fra 2012.


Tid og sted: , The Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters

Welcome to the conference on Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics. The conference will bring together leading researchers in the fields of stochastic analysis and finance to discuss recent developments and challenges with an edge towards energy, environmental and financial markets.

The conference is organized by the Center of Advanced Studies (CAS), Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics. Scientific organizers: Fred Espen Benth and Giulia Di Nunno (UiO).

Tid og sted: , B71, NHA

Abstract: Independence has been introduced as a regularity property for pairs of commuting injective group endomorphisms of a discrete abelian group with finite cokernel by Joachim Cuntz and Anatoly Vershik. We discuss various characterisations of this regularity property and show how the statements need to be adjusted when removing the restrictions that the group has to be abelian and that the cokernels have to be finite. Somewhat surprisingly, this leads to the concept of *-commutativity. This property is defined for pairs of commuting self-maps of an arbitrary set. As an examples of *-commutativity, we explain a construction related to the Ledrappier shift and indicate how one obtains examples for independent group endomorphisms from this construction. If time permits, we will point out instances where the two notions have been readily used to obtain C*-algebraic results. Roughly speaking, both notions are designed to give rise to pairs of doubly commuting isometries, which significantly simplifies the analysis of the constructed C*-algebras. This is particularly useful when one tries to generalise results from the case of a single transformation to an action generated by finitely many transformations.

Tid og sted: , B 63

The logic seminar will take place in B63 in NHA on Thursdays from 10.15 to 12.00.

The program is tentative. There are free slots in the program. Contact Dag Normann for suggestions or questions.

Tid og sted: , B91 Abel Building

Three-dimensional instability of solitary water waves



Per A. Mykland (The University of Chicago) og Lan Zhang (University of Illinois at Chicago) give a seminar in  Auditorium 4, Vilhelm Bjerknes house, at 14:15, Tuesday June 17th: Assessment of Uncertainty in High Frequency Data: The Observed Asymptotic Variance

Tid og sted: , B 81

If B is a sub-Hopf algebra of the mod 2 Steenrod algebra, the category of B-modules has subcategories of modules local or colocal with respect to certain Margolis homologies, and corresponding localization and colocalization functors. The Picard groups of these subcategories are sufficient to detect the Picard group of the whole category and contain modules of geometric interest. General results obtained along the way allow us to begin to attack the analogous questions for E(2) and A(2)-modules. Applications include better descriptions of polynomial algebras as modules over the Steenrod algebra, and of the values of certain generalized cohomology theories on the classifying spaces of elementary abelian groups.   


Diana Domanska (University of Silesia) gives a seminar in  Auditorium 4, Vilhelm Bjerknes house, at 14:15, Tuesday June 10th:

Forecasting methods.



Tid og sted: , NHA Hus, B71

Abstract: We talk about independent resolutions for dynamical systems on totally disconnected spaces. Building on earlier work by Cuntz, Echterhoff and Li that allows one to compute the K-theory of totally disconnected systems that admit a so called independent invariant regular basis, we show how any totally disconnected dynamical system admits a resolution of such systems, which in some cases allows for K-theory computations. Based on work by me and X. Li.

Tid og sted: , NHA B71

Marco Matassa (UiO) will give a talk with title: On dimension and integration for spectral triples associated to quantum groups

Abstract: Abstract: I will discuss some aspects of the notions of spectral dimension and non-commutative integral in the context of modular spectral triples. I will focus on two examples: the modular spectral triple for SU_q(2) introduced by Kaad and Senior and the family of spectral triples for quantum projective spaces introduced by D'Andrea and Dąbrowski.