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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 43

Tid og sted: , B91

Muligheter for samarbeid med DHI innen forskning, PhD og master-prosjekter.

Tid og sted: , B81

David Ruiz Baños (Universitetet i Oslo) holder et seminar med tittelen:  Computing Greeks without Derivatives

Tid og sted: , The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

The symposium is a follow-up of two highly successful previous symposia, held 14-15 October 2008 in the Norwegian Academy in Oslo and 1-2 November 2010 in RSE in Edinburgh. Topics of this year's symposium include: internal waves, ocean surface waves and tsunamis reflecting the activities in the current research projects of the Norwegian and Scottish groups.



Tid og sted: , B1036

Oleg Reichmann (ETH Zurich) holder et seminar med tittelen: Time and space inhomogeneous models in option pricing

Tid og sted: , B1036

Professor G. Scandolo (University of Verona and Firenze) holder et seminar med tittelen: Assessing Financial Model Risk

Tid og sted: , B1036 NHA

We explain how motivic categories with reasonable properties for arbitrary schemes can be constructed. A crucial property used for the construction is base change for a motivic Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum over Dedekind rings.   

Tid og sted: , B1036

Sara Ana Solanilla Blanco (Universitetet i Oslo) holder et seminar med tittelen: Forward prices as functionals of the spot path in commodity markets modeled by Lévy semistationary processes

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 4, Vilhelm Bjerknes hus

Jan Fredrik Bjørnstad (SSB and Department of Mathematics, UiO) will talk about

Extended likelihood approach to large-scale multiple testing

Tid og sted: , NHA B1036

Martin Licht (University of Bonn) will give a talk about

On equilibrated a posteriori error estimation for Nedelec-elements

Tid og sted: , B1036 NHA

I'll review some basic ideas about topological Andre-Quillen theory and how it relates to E-infinity cell structures. As applications I'll discuss a new approach to calculating TAQ for HF_p and HZ, and various other recent results. These make heavy use of Dyer-Lashof operations and the coaction of the dual Steenrod algebra.   

Tid og sted: , Ole Johan Dahls Hus

This term the seminar will take place in Room GA 06 7166 in Ole-Johan Dahls hus. 

Time: Thursday 10.15 - 12.00

Access to the seminar room is restricted, and requires a university identity card with right of access encoded.

Active participants with new UiO identity cards should contact Dag Normann in order to obtain access.

Occasionally, we will meet in B62 in NHA.

Tid og sted: , NHA, seminarrom B71

Yusuke Isono  from the University of Tokyo will give a talk with title: Strong solidity of II_1 factors of free quantum groups


We generalize Ozawa's bi-exactness to discrete quantum groups and give a new sufficient condition for strong solidity, which implies the absence of Cartan subalgebras. As a corollary, we prove that II_1 factors of free quantum groups are strongly solid. We also consider similar conditions on non-Kac type quantum groups, namely, non finite von Neumann algebras.


Tid og sted: , B 62

In connection with the Dr.Philos. defense of André Rognes, the two opponents are invited to give seminar talks:

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 4, VB

This years Skolem Lecture will be by Peter Aczel from The University of Manchester:


The Structure Identity Principle in Set Theory and Type Theory.

Tid og sted: , B1036

Prof. B. Rajeev (Indian Statistical Institute) holder et seminar med tittelen: Translation Invariant Diffusions

Tid og sted: , NHA, seminarrom B71

Erik Bédos will give a talk with title: On equivariant representations of C*-dynamical systems


Let \Sigma=(A, G, \alpha, \sigma) denote a unital discrete twisted C*-dynamical system. In our recent work with Roberto Conti (Rome), it has emerged that the so-called equivariant representations of \Sigma on Hilbert A-modules play an interesting role, complementing the one played by covariant representations. We will discuss some aspects of this notion and illustrate its usefulness in the study of the crossed products associated with \Sigma.


Tid og sted: , B1036

Nina Lange (Copenhagen Buisiness School) holder et seminar med tittelen: The correlation structure of exchange rates and commodity prices

Tid og sted: , NHA B 70

Bjørn Jahren fortsetter seminaret om 4 mangfoldigheter.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Lie Conference Center, Nordfjordeid, Norway

The first Nordic Spring School in Logic is organized under the auspices of the Scandinavian Logic Society and is supported by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Oslo. (Download poster here - pdf)

Tid og sted: , Sophus Lie konferansesenter, Nordfjordeid

Den første nordiske vårskole i logikk arrangeres av Scandinavian Logic Society og Matematisk institutt ved Universitetet i Oslo.

Tid og sted: , B62 NHA

Algebraic cobordism MGL was introduced by Voevodsky as an algebro-geometric analogue of complex cobordism MU: it is the universal oriented cohomology theory for smooth schemes. A fundamental result in homotopy theory is Quillen's identification of the homotopy groups of MU with the Lazard ring. Voevodsky conjectured an analogous result for MGL, and his conjecture was recently proved for regular schemes of characteristic zero and up to p-torsion for regular schemes of charateristic p>0. I will explain Voevodsky's conjecture and sketch the proof in these cases.

Tid og sted: , b1025, NHA

Arbitrarily high order numerical schemes that converge to entropy measure valued solutions of systems of hyperbolic conservation laws.

Tid og sted: , B63 NHA

Abstract: We will give a brief introduction to motivic homotopy theory followed by a discussion on how a theorem of Gabber may be used to avoid assuming that resolution of singularities holds in positive characteristic. The first half will be aimed at a general audience of topologists. The second will feature more algebraic geometry, however we will still try and keep it accessible to topologists.

Tid og sted: , b1025, NHA

Analysis and Application of Polygonal and Serendipity Finite Element Methods

Tid og sted: , B1036

Nils Detering (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) holder et seminar med tittelen: Pricing & hedging asian-style options in energy