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Workshop at University of Oslo

Tid og sted: , Blindern

A three-day school for master and PhD students in physics, mathematics and computer science who would like to learn about quantum computing.

Tid og sted: , NHA723

C*-algebra seminar talk by Marco Matassa (OsloMet)

Tid og sted: , NHA723

C*-algebra seminar talk by Pinhas Grossman (University of New South Wales)


A conference organised for and by master/Ph.D.-students and postdocs in operator algebras (both von Neumann and C*-algebras) and related areas, with the goal of fostering scientific and social interaction between young researchers.

Tid og sted: , NHA108

C*-algebra seminar by Marcelo Laca (University of Victoria)

Tid og sted: , NHA107

C*-algebra seminar talk by John Quigg (Arizona State University)

Tid og sted: , NHA108

C*-algebra seminar talk by Guillaume Aubrun (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)

Tid og sted: , NHA108

C*-algebra seminar talk by Alistair Miller (Queen Mary University of London)

Tid og sted: , NHA108

C*-algebra seminar talk by Judy Packer (University of Colorado Boulder)

Tid og sted: , NHA108

C*-algebra seminar talk by Roberto Conti (Sapienza University of Rome)

Tid og sted: , NHA 819

C*-algebra seminar / Gemini Center seminar talk by Paula Belzig (University of Copenhagen)

Tid og sted: , NHA 819

C*-algebra seminar by Alexander Stolin

Tid og sted: , NHA 108

C*-algebra seminar by Alexander Mang (Saarland University)

Tid og sted: , NHA 107

C*-algebra seminar talk by Johannes Christensen (KU Leuven)


Winter school at University of Oslo

Tid og sted: , NHA 720

C*-algebra seminar talk by Ole Brevig (University of Oslo)


The aim of this workshop is to present some recent developments on the interplay between Dirichlet series and operator theory to researchers in Norway and abroad.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

C*-algebra seminar talk by Magnus Goffeng

Tid og sted: , Zoom

C*-algebra seminar talk by Ulrich Pennig

Tid og sted: , Zoom

C*-algebra seminar talk by Rufus Willett

Tid og sted: , Zoom

C*-algebra seminar talk by Bram Mesland (Leiden)

Tid og sted: , Zoom

C*-algebra seminar talk by Karen Strung (Prague)

Tid og sted: , Zoom

C*-algebra seminar talk by Amine Marrakchi (Lyon)

Tid og sted: , Zoom

C*-algebra seminar talk by Yoshimichi Ueda (Nagoya)