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Workshop at University of Oslo



The purpose of this workshop is to bring together communities in dynamical systems, harmonic analysis and operator algebras whose research relates to point sets in Euclidean space and general locally compact groups.


Workshop at University of Oslo


This mini-workshop provides young analysts in Norway with an arena to present their research and interact with their peers. 


Workshop at University of Oslo

Tid og sted: , Blindern

A three-day school for master and PhD students in physics, mathematics and computer science who would like to learn about quantum computing.


A conference organised for and by master/Ph.D.-students and postdocs in operator algebras (both von Neumann and C*-algebras) and related areas, with the goal of fostering scientific and social interaction between young researchers.


Winter school at University of Oslo


The aim of this workshop is to present some recent developments on the interplay between Dirichlet series and operator theory to researchers in Norway and abroad.

Tid og sted: , room 819, NHA building

TMS guest professor Christian Voigt (University of Glasgow) is giving a mini-course on "Graphs and their quantum symmetries". 

Tid og sted: , Blindern

Master class


Summer school and workshop at University of Oslo

Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO


This lecture is the fifth and last of a mini-course given by Professor John Quigg (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA), one of the world leading experts on the topic of C*-dynamical systems.

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Tromsø Research Foundation.   


Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO


This lecture is the fourth of a mini-course consisting of five lectures given by Professor John Quigg (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA), one of the world leading experts on the topic of C*-dynamical systems.

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Tromsø Research Foundation.    


Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO


This lecture is the third of a mini-course consisting of five lectures given by Professor John Quigg (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA), one of the world leading experts on the topic of C*-dynamical systems.

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Tromsø Research Foundation.    


Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO


This lecture is the second of a mini-course consisting of five lectures given by Professor John Quigg (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA), one of the world leading experts on the topic of C*-dynamical systems.

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Tromsø Research Foundation.   


Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO


This lecture is the first of a mini-course consisting of five lectures given by Professor John Quigg (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA), one of the world leading experts on the topic of C*-dynamical systems.

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Tromsø Research Foundation.  

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Aud. 4

This is the third and last lecture by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lecture.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Aud. 4

This is the second in a series of three lectures by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lectures.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Aud. 4

This is the first in a series of three lectures by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lectures.

Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO

Connes' embedding problem is one of the long standing open problems in Operator Algebras. Since it was raised in 1976, several equivalent formulations, seemingly unrelated to it, have been found, also in other areas of mathematics. In particular, it is equivalent to the (weak) Tsirelson problem in Quantum Information Theory

The aim of the winter school is to upgrade the knowledge of all operator algebraists at NTNU and UiO, in particular master and PhD students, on these important topics and to review some of the recent developments.  

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Tromsø Research Foundation.    


Tid og sted: , Blindern

Noncommutative geometry aims to use geometric insight in studying phenomena that are beyond the reach of classical geometry and analysis, using functional analysis and algebra as primary rigorous tools. Over the years it has been applied to a variety of problems, from index theory for foliations, to the Novikov conjecture, quantum Hall effect, standard model, analysis on quantum groups, and many more. The goal of the one-day seminar is to use the opportunity provided by the visit of Adam Rennie from Australia to report on recent advances in the area. Another goal is to strengthen ties between the operator algebra groups in Oslo and Trondheim.

The seminar is part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Stiftelse (earlier called Bergen Research Foundation) and the Tromsø Research Foundation.     

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Auditorium 2

This is the third and last lecture by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lecture.

Added June 06: Slides from the lectures are now available here.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Auditorium 4

This is the second in a series of three lectures by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lectures.

Added June 06: Slides from the lectures are now available here.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Auditorium 2

This is the first in a series of three lectures by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lectures.

Added June 06: Slides from the lectures are now available here.