Curriculum Vitae for John Rognes

April 28th 1966 in Oslo
Marital status:
Cohabitant, three sons
Røahagan 1 G
NO-0754 Oslo
(+47) 22 85 58 45 (office)
(+47) 22 50 88 64 (home)
(+47) 91 99 52 89 (cellphone)
(+47) 22 85 43 49 (telefax)

Research Interests

Algebraic topology, algebraic K-theory, geometric topology and number theory.

The Abel Prize

International Congress of Mathematicians

Editorial Role

Academic Education

Engagements, Posts

Teaching Experience

Administrative Experience/External Funding

Master Students Supervised

  1. Halvard Fausk, Cand. scient. (Master of Arts) student, spring 1994-June 1995. Thesis title: "The chain rule in functor calculus".
  2. Paul Arne Østvær, Cand. scient. (Master of Arts) student, autumn 1995-December 1996. Thesis title: "The Bloch-Lichtenbaum spectral sequence and calculations in algebraic K-theory".
  3. Erik Strand, Cand. scient. (Master of Arts) student, autumn 1996-December 1998. Thesis title: "Generalized homological algebra".
  4. Eirik Anonsen, Cand. scient. (Master of Arts) student. Proposed thesis topic: "Ring structures on Moore spectra".
  5. Sverre Lunøe-Nilsen, Cand. scient. (Master of Arts) student, spring 1998-May 2000. Thesis title: "En ekte involusjon på Waldhausens `rigid tube'-avbildning" ("An honest involution on Waldhausen's rigid tube map").
  6. Vigleik Angeltveit, Cand. scient. (Master of Arts) student, autumn 2000-June 2002. Thesis title: "Hopf algebra structure on topological Hochschild homology".
  7. Hans Jørgen Riddervold, Cand. scient. (Master of Arts) student, autumn 1999-June 2002. Thesis title: "Å realisere avbildninger som determinanter av buntautomorfier" ("To realize maps as determinants of bundle automorphisms").
  8. Jo Raabe, Cand. scient. (Master of Arts) student, spring 2000-(incomplete). Thesis topic: "Analytic behavior and functional equations for Dirichlet series arising in chromatic homotopy theory".
  9. Håkon Schad Bergsaker, Cand. scient. (Master of Arts) student, autumn 2003-spring 2005. Thesis title: "K(n)-compact spheres".
  10. Knut Berg, Master student, autumn 2007 - March 2009. Thesis title: "Edgewise subdivision and simple maps".
  11. Vegard Fjellbo, Master student, autumn 2010 - March 2012. Thesis title: "Normal oppdeling og produkt av endelige simplisielle mengder" ("Normal subdivision and products of finite simplicial sets").
  12. Eivind Dahl, Master student, autumn 2012 - May 2015. Thesis title: "2-K-teori og elliptisk kohomologi" ("2-K-theory and elliptic cohomology").
  13. Jørgen Olsen Lye, Master student, spring 2015. Thesis title: "Orientation reversing gauge transformations".
  14. Gard Olav Helle, Master student, spring 2016 - June 2017. Thesis title: "Pairings and convergence of spectral sequences".
  15. Niels Bonten, Master student, spring 2017 - June 2018. Thesis title: "Mod two homology of Q≥0S0 as an E space".
  16. Christian Schive, Master student, 2019 - autumn 2021. Thesis title: "Filtration shifting maps and differentials".
  17. Ludovico Maria Dziecielski, Master student, autumn 2022 - June 2024. Thesis title: "Iterated Thom spectra".
  18. Riley Hexeberg Mæhle, Master student, autumn 2022 - June 2024. Thesis title: "Commutativity and bordism spectra".

Doctoral Students Supervised

  1. Paul Arne Østvær, Dr. scient. (Ph.D.) student, January 1997-August 2000. Thesis title: "Algebraic K-theory; arithmetic and geometry".
  2. Sverre Lunøe-Nilsen, Dr. scient. (Ph.D.) student, December 2000-spring 2005. Thesis title: "The Segal conjecture for topological Hochschild homology of commutative S-algebras".
  3. Temporary advisor for Gregory Ginot, Ph.D. student from Strasbourg visiting Oslo April-June 2001, under the OMATS Marie Curie training program. Discussion topic: "Lambda operations and the cyclotomic trace map".
  4. Håkon Schad Bergsaker, Ph.D. student 2005-January 2009. Thesis title: "Brave new geometry: Foundations and calculations".
  5. Thomas Gregersen, Ph.D. student 2006-August 2012. Thesis title: "A Singer construction in motivic homotopy theory".
  6. Vegard Fjellbo, Ph.D. student 2012-April 2018. Thesis title: "Nonsingular simplicial sets".
  7. Knut Berg, Ph.D. student 2009-(incomplete).
  8. Alice Hedenlund, Ph.D. student 2016-January 2021. Thesis title: "Multiplicative Tate spectral sequences".

Post Docs Hosted

  1. Stavros Tsalidis, Ph.D. Brown University, EU TMR post doc 1997-1999.
  2. Morten Brun, Ph.D. Aarhus University, EU K-Theory network 1998-1999.
  3. Iver Ottosen, Ph.D. Aarhus University, EU K-Theory network 1998.
  4. Christian Schlichtkrull, Ph.D. Aarhus University, Carlsberg foundation 1998, and RCN SUPREMA post doc 2003-2005.
  5. Christian Ausoni, Ph.D. Lausanne University, Swiss research council post doc 1998-1999.
  6. Paul Arne Østvær, Ph.D. University of Oslo, UiO post doc 2003-2004.
  7. Halvard Fausk, Ph.D. University of Chicago, RCN SUPREMA post doc 2003-2005.
  8. Holger Reich, Ph.D. University of Göttingen, RCN SUPREMA visiting researcher 2004.
  9. Birgit Richter, Ph.D. Universität Bonn, RCN SUPREMA visiting researcher 2004-2005.
  10. Clark Barwick, Ph.D University of Pennsylvania, YFF Brave New Rings postdoc 2006-2008.
  11. Steffen Sagave, Ph.D. Universität Bonn, YFF Brave New Rings postdoc 2006-2008.
  12. Sverre Lunøe-Nielsen, Ph.D. University of Oslo, YFF Brave New Rings postdoc 2007-2009.
  13. Thomas Kragh, Ph.D. Aarhus University, RCN Topology postdoc 2008-2010.
  14. Andreas Holmstrom, Ph.D. Cambridge University, KVA scholarship 2012-2013.

Conferences Organized

  1. "Symposium on ring spectra, K-theory and trace invariants" at University of Oslo, March 26-28th 1998.
  2. "Symposium on Algebraic K-theory and Topology" at University of Oslo, May 25-26th 1999.
  3. "NORDTOP 2001 Topology conference", algebraic topology section, Nordfjordeid, August 7th-9th 2001, with B. Jahren.
  4. "Topology conference" at University of Oslo, May 15-16th 2003.
  5. "SUPREMA start-up meeting" at Soria Moria, Oslo, June 5-6th 2003.
  6. "SUPREMA conference" at Thorbjørnrud, Jevnaker, May 27-28th 2004.
  7. "The Arithmetic of Structured Ring Spectra", YFF conference at the Barony Rosendal, Norway, August 19th-28th 2005.
  8. Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: "Modern Foundations for Stable Homotopy Theory" at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, with Prof. Stefan Schwede, October 2nd-8th 2005.
  9. Suprema masterclass with Jacob Lurie: "Elliptic Cohomology and Derived Algebraic Geometry", University of Oslo, August 1th-September 1st 2006.
  10. "Topological algebraic geometry workshop", University of Oslo, September 4th-8th 2006.
  11. Abel symposium on "Algebraic Topology", University of Oslo, August 5th-10th 2007.
  12. "Topology symposium" at Thorbjørnrud, May 21st-23rd 2008.
  13. "p-Adic Geometry and Homotopy Theory" at Hotel Alexandra, Loen, August 2nd-8th 2009.
  14. "Norwegian Topology Meeting", University of Oslo, December 6th-7th 2012.
  15. "Norwegian Topology Meeting", University of Oslo, December 3rd-4th 2015.

Invited Talks at Conferences

  1. "Filtering the spectrum K(Z) by rank", talk at Topology meeting, Oberwolfach, September 1992.
  2. "K4(Z) is the trivial group", invited talk at International Conference on Algebra and Topology, Kazimierz, June 1993.
  3. "K4(Z) is the trivial group", main talk at Conference on Algebraic K-theory at Université Paris 7 in July 1994, preceding the 1994 International Congress of Mathematicians in Zürich.
  4. "Algebraic K-theory and stable smooth pseudoisotopy of discs", invited talk at Sheffield Homotopy Miniconference, Sheffield University, May 1997.
  5. "Two-primary algebraic K-theory of spaces and related spaces of symmetries of manifolds", main talk at A.M.S. Summer Research Conference in Algebraic K-Theory, Seattle, July 1997.
  6. "Two-primary algebraic K-theory of rings of integers in number fields", main talk at Symposium on Algebraic K-Theory and Applications, ICTP, Trieste, September 1997.
  7. "Two-primary algebraic K-theory of pointed spaces", talks at
    • Polynomial Functors conference, Schloß Ringberg, January 1999,
    • Workshop on Stable homotopy theory and algebraic K-theory, Universität Bielefeld, February 1999, and
    • West Coast Topology meeting, Stanford University, April 1999.
  8. "Two-primary algebraic K-theory of pointed spaces", main talk at British Topology Meeting, Swansea, April 1999.
  9. "Algebraic K-theory of topological K-theory", invited talk at the conference `Topology, geometry and algebra: interactions and new directions', at Stanford University, August 1999.
  10. "Algebraic K-theory of topological K-theory", invited talk at the JAMI 2000 conference `Recent Progress in Homotopy Theory', at Johns Hopkins University, March 2000.
  11. "Galois-utvidelser av S-algebraer", two talks at Topology conference, NTNU Trondheim, November 2000.
  12. "Two-primary algebraic K-theory of pointed spaces", invited talk at Cornell Topology Festival, May 2001.
  13. "Elliptic cohomology and algebraic K-theory of 2-vector spaces", invited talk at International Conference in Algebraic Topology, Isle of Skye, June 2001.
  14. "The Smooth Whitehead spectrum of a disc at odd regular primes", invited talk at Conference on high-dimensional manifold topology, ICTP Trieste, June 2001.
  15. "Galois theory of commutative S-algebras", main talk at NORDTOP 2001 Topology conference, Nordfjordeid, August 2001.
  16. "Galois extensions of `brave new rings'", invited talk at Abel Bicentennial Conference, Oslo, June 2002.
  17. "Waldhausen's stable parametrized h-cobordism theorem", invited plenary talk at 2002 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, July 2002.
  18. "Galois descent for the K-theory of commutative S-algebras", talk at Newton Institute Workshop on Axiomatic, enriched and motivic homotopy theory, Cambridge, September 2002.
  19. "Galois theory for S-algebras", three lectures in Workshop on Structured Ring Spectra, Universität Bonn/MPI Bonn, September 2004.
  20. "Motivic truncation and arithmetic duality for some structured ring spectra", NRW Topology seminar, Wuppertal, October 22nd 2005.
  21. "Algebraic K-theory of the fraction field of topological K-theory", Schloß Ringberg, November 3rd 2005.
  22. "Smooth symmetries of manifolds and arithmetic of the sphere spectrum", opening colloquium of Graduiertenkolleg 1150, Homotopy and Cohomology, Bonn, November 18th 2005.
  23. "Topological logarithmic structures", Topology symposium, Bergen, June 12th 2007.
  24. "Topological logarithmic structures, I & II", two talks at "New Topological Contexts for Galois Theory and Algebraic Geometry" conference at Banff International Research Station, March 12th and 13th 2008.
  25. "Topological Hochschild homology of topological modular forms", Nordic Topology Meeting, NTNU Trondheim, November 2008.
  26. "Motivic complexes and the rank filtration", Topology Symposium, Bergen, June 2010.
  27. "Introduction to redshift", talk at Topology meeting, Oberwolfach, September 2011.
  28. "Redshift", Nordic Topology Meeting, NTNU Trondheim, Desember 2011.
  29. "Kan subdivision and products of simplicial sets", Topology Symposium, Bergen, June 2013.
  30. "Chromatic Redshift", Introductory Workshop: Algebraic Topology, MSRI, Berkeley, January 2014.
  31. "Algebraic K-theory of group rings and topological cyclic homology", Nordic Topology Meeting, NTNU (November 27th 2014).
  32. "The Davis-Mahowald spectral sequence", Nils Baas 70, NTNU (December 1st 2016).
  33. "Cubical and cosimplicial descent", Ib Madsen 75, Moduli and Traces, Copenhagen (April 21st 2017).

Selected Seminar Talks

Guest Lecture Series

Popularized Talks

Contributions in Media


Grants, Fellowships, Prizes

Membership in Scientific Societies

John Rognes, May 23rd 2024