MAT9570: Algebraic K-theory

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Information about teaching, examination, etc.

Rough plan for the lectures

  1. Category theory [Mac Lane]
    1. Categories and functors
    2. Discrete and additive representations
    3. (De-)categorification
    4. Limits and colimits
    5. Adjoint pairs
    6. (ETC)
  2. Homotopy theory [Hatcher, Goerss-Jardine, Waldhausen]
    1. Weak equivalences and quasi-fibrations
    2. Simplicial sets and spaces
    3. The gluing lemma
    4. The realization lemma
    5. A fibration criterion
  3. Classifying spaces [Quillen]
    1. The nerve of a category
    2. Quillen's Theorem A
    3. Quillen's Theorem B
  4. Waldhausen K-theory [Waldhausen, R.]
    1. Categories with cofibrations and weak equivalences
    2. The S.-construction
    3. K-theory of finite sets
    4. The additivity theorem
    5. The approximation theorem
    6. The fibration theorem
  5. Quillen K-theory [Quillen]
    1. Exact categories
    2. Segal subdivision
    3. The Q-construction
    4. Dévissage
    5. Localization

Some foundational papers

Some books on algebraic K-theory

John Rognes / December 16th 2009