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For the period 2023-2027, the Njord Centre has defined an ambitious research strategy.

Image may contain: Font, Aqua, Material property, Pattern, Terrestrial plant.

The purpose of the Njord Centre is to further develop two already outstanding research environments in condensed matter physics and geophysics, to become a leading European research environment for the studies of transport, reactions and deformation processes in geological and geo-like materials. These topics have important applications in the domains of geohazards, carbon capture and storage, mineral resources, and transport of fluids in the subsurface. An important aspect of our research is the study of these phenomena on scales ranging from atoms to continents. The strategy has been approved by the board of the Njord Centre that involves the Faculty of Mathematics of Natural Science, the Department of Geosciences and the Department of Physics at the University of Oslo.

The strategy report is available at:

Strategy for Njord, 2023 – 2027 (pdf)


Published Nov. 25, 2022 10:10 AM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2022 2:48 PM