Thomas Combriat: The Song of Bubbles

Thomas Combriat will give us a talk about his work, with the title "The Song of Bubbles".

A group of seven 3D printed cubic bubbles .

A group of seven 3D printed cubic bubbles .

Thomas says: "Because of their huge compressibilty difference with their surrounding media, air bubbles in water have a special relationship with Acoustic waves: they are sub-wavelength resonators. In this presentation I will show that this characteristic has great implications for both the surrounding fluid, thanks to the steady streaming effect, but also for the acoustic Waves…"

Thomas holds a master's degree in Fundamental Physics from Université Paris-Sud (Orsay), with a speciality in bio-physics. He is a post-doc at CCSE, but we are lucky enough tohave him sharing offices with us.

Published Feb. 26, 2020 10:15 AM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2020 10:24 AM