News - Page 2

Published May 7, 2021 1:22 PM

Tom Vincent-Dospital has done remarkable research during his time as a PhD, and this has now been recognized by the University of Strasbourg who have awarded him with the PhD prize for 2020. He delivered his PhD thesis the fall of 2020 as a collaboration between the University of Strasbourg and PoreLab at the University of Oslo.

Published May 4, 2021 11:34 AM

A team from the Physics Laboratory of the ENS of Lyon in collaboration with the Porelab Center of Excellence of the University of Oslo in the framework of Louison Thorens's co-supervised PhD and the CNRS International Research Project (D-FFRACT), were recently able to demonstrate a "magnetic Janssen effect" with the emergence of a radial force along the walls due to the confinement, whose amplitude and direction are determined by the applied magnetic field. The studies have now been published in prestigious Nature Communications.

Published Apr. 7, 2021 10:34 AM

The cover of the April issue of Physics Today, features the graphical print by Ellen Karin Mæhlum, a piece she created through a collaboration with scientists at Njord.

Published Dec. 21, 2020 12:50 PM

In November 2019 85 scientists from all over the world met in Malargüe in the Mendoza Province of Argentina for the LASI6 workshop. (LASI’s official title is “The Physical Geology of Subvolcanic Systems: Laccoliths, Sills and Dykes.”). The aim was to clarify the state of the art in our understanding of volcanic plumbing systems(VPS) and to guide future research. AGU magazine EOS recently published an article by Olivier Galland and partners describing the outcome of the meeting.

Published Oct. 14, 2020 9:07 PM

The students at the department of Geosciences every year give the "Teacher of the year"-award to the lecturer they find worthy of it. This year the award was given to Njord's postdoc Kristina Dunkel, only two years after our center leader Bjørn Jamtveit got the same award.

Published Sep. 29, 2020 10:42 AM

Beauty can be found in the most ordinary of things. Some of the greatest scientists that ever lived endorse this viewpoint. Richard Feynman, in one of his many strokes of pure genius boldly spoke about the several layers of beauty that he - a curious observer of reality - could see in a flower. His “Ode to a Flower” is filled to the brim with the scientific and aesthetic joy.

Published June 25, 2020 11:28 AM

In 2002 PGP, Physics of Geological Processes, was established, as one of Norway's 13 first Centers of Excellence funded by the Research Council Norway. With the research at the center a new generation of interdisiplinary scientists with an unique background and set of qualifications came to life.

Published May 5, 2020 1:20 PM

Since January this year it has been registered in increase in vulcano activity by Grindavik on Reykjanes in the southern part of Iceland. There has been several earthquakes and the ground has lifted. The vulcano Þorbjörn is alive, and in a recent article in Aftenposten Viten vulcano expert and Njord member Olivier Galland asks if we are prepared for an eruption.

Published Mar. 19, 2020 11:18 AM

Deep intracontinental earthquakes are poorly understood, despite their potential to cause significant destruction. In a recently published article in Nature Communications, a study done in Lofoten by an international project led by Njord's Luca Menegon, has shed new light on the mechanisms through which earthquakes are triggered up to 40km beneath the earth’s surface. With the insight from this study, researchers hope to be able to help at-risk communities in the future from the danger these earthquakes poses.

Published Mar. 19, 2020 10:25 AM

As the Corona-virus (COVID-19) hit Norway and the pandemic started spreading at a alarming speed, all the University of Oslo was as of March 12th 6PM closed down for all students and staff.

Published Feb. 26, 2020 9:57 AM

In the documentary ‘Pseudotachylyte’, film maker Heidi Morstang follows a group of researchers, including Njord's Luca Menegon, on their expedition in Lofoten. The documentary aims to portray scientists exploring landscape; through the microscopic view of the world to an understanding of deep time. The beautiful images from picturesque Lofoten, the slow pace and the observing point of view gives the documentary an almost meditative effect and gives the audience room for reflection.