How a new generation of interdisiplinary scientists came to life

In 2002 PGP, Physics of Geological Processes, was established, as one of Norway's 13 first Centers of Excellence funded by the Research Council Norway. With the research at the center a new generation of interdisiplinary scientists with an unique background and set of qualifications came to life.

A black-and-white photo of two men having a discussion.

Bjørn Jamtveit (left) and Jens Feder in 2002, shortly after PGP had received funding as a Center of Excellence.

Photo: Anita Thorolvsen Munch

Titan has recently written a feature article about PGP, from it's start as a strategic university project (financed by RCN) through its time as a center of excellence and until today where PGP is a part of the Njord center.

You can read about PGP's groundbreaking research and exciting history in Titan's feature article here. (Only in Norwegian.)

Published June 25, 2020 11:28 AM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2021 1:49 PM