Jessica McBeck recognized as an outstanding reviewer by AGU

In appreciation of AGU’s Outstanding Reviewers of 2019 AGU editors recognize the contributions of reviewers, whose valuable expertise continues to raise our journals’ high standards.

A black-and-white portrait of a woman with dark eyes and hair.

Jessica McBeck

AGU writes:

Peer review is central to communicating and advancing science. Although there have never been more ways to distribute ideas and research outputs online, a robust peer review ensures that we maintain the highest integrity in our scientific discourse.

The work done by the reviewers is therefore highly appreciated by AGU, and they recognizes how this contributes to maintaining the journals' high integrity and improving the quality of the submissions. About the outstanding reviewers they write: "The outstanding reviewers listed here have all provided in-depth evaluations, often over more than one round of revision, that greatly improved the final published papers."

McBeck agrees with AGU about the importance of this mechanism and says: "A robust peer-review process is critical to advancing accurate and innovative science, and so I'm grateful to be a useful cog in the machinery of progress."

To read more, and to see the complete list of the outstanding reviewers, please look here.

Published June 30, 2020 2:01 PM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2021 1:53 PM