Anja Røyne awarded with Brageprisen

Njord's Anja Røyne won  the prestigous Brageprisen for her Norwegian book "Menneskets grunnstoffer", which translates to "Human fundementals".

Anja Røyne with Brageprisen.

Brageprisen writes on their own webpage that Anja Røyne has an original twistin this book about the fundementals that both we and the whole world is made of. The reader is lead in to discussions about world resources on both micro and macro Level. Further more, they find here written Language clear, and they praise her ability to unafraid go in to the big questions that affects all of us. All of this while including physics in the readers daily life.

The physicist has written this book, with a popular science angle, for young adults and adults. Her attraction to both physics and outreach is visible in many of her projects, and it is a true honour for us to have here at Njord.

Published Dec. 12, 2018 4:20 PM - Last modified July 4, 2019 12:00 PM