Three PhD-candidates starting at Njord as part of the CompSci-project

We are excited to announce that three of the new CompSci-positions have been filled by Anthony Val Camposano, Fahimeh Najafi, and Harish Pruthviraj Jain. The three candidates started in October and will be working with Njord during their PhD.

CompSci logo to the left and njord logo to the right.

The CompSci programme will train a new generation of natural science researchers with disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transferable skills and a foundation in computational methods – providing them with the knowledge, skills and vision to digitally transform the European education, research, government and industry sectors. The CompSci programme is a 5-year programme hosted by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo. It will offer 32 PhD positions of 36 months each in two calls over the programme period, a total of 1152 researcher months. The programme had its first call for applicants with deadline March 1, 2021 and the first cohort of PhD candidates have started in autumn 2021 – and Anthony, Fahimeh and Harish is part of this exclusive group. 

Anthony will be working on the project "Machine-learning-based molecular modelling of nanoscale geological processes" with Anders Malthe-Sørenssen as the main supervisor. During the project, Anthony will aim at developing a systematic machine-learning based method for tailoring force fields to geologically relevant simulation conditions, to study the emergent properties robustly.

Fahimeh will be working on the project “Frictional properties of surface structures generated by machine-learning” with Anders Malthe-Sørenssen as the main supervisor. During the project, Fahimeh will work on coupling a physics-based simulator with a machine-learning based structure generation method to predict surface structures with a prescribed frictional behaviour.

Harish will be working on the project “Collective emergent behaviour of active cellular systems" with Luiza Angheluta-Bauer as the main supervisor. During the project, Harish will study the collective behaviours that emerge in cells with a theoretical and computational approach by applying concepts from liquid crystal theory, hydrodynamics and elasticity.

The second call is announced, have a look here: CompSci - Call 2 - Marie Sklodowska-Curie PhD Fellowships in Natural Sciences - 17 positions (214258) | University of Oslo (

Published Dec. 9, 2021 1:29 PM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2021 1:29 PM