Two publications on flying chains and elephant sounds in Norwegian popular science journal

Professor Eirik Grude Flekkøy of Njord and PoreLab has just had two papers published in the Norwegian popular science journal Fra Fysikkens verden (The world of physics).

Bildet kan inneholde: vann, drikker, photography.

Fra Fysikkens verden is Norsk Fysisk Selskaps member magazine, and has been published since 1939. The journal is published quarterly, and engages with Norwegian and international research in physics. The journal has a popular format and anyone interested in physics is encouraged to sign up for a subscription.

The Eirik Flekkøy’s paper “Det flyvende kjedet” (The flying chain), describes the physics behind how a flying chain, or chain fountain, forms. When a chain is let out over the edge of a container an arc appears that can be considerably higher than the container. This can only be explained by introducing a force from the container, which pushes the chain up into the air.

The other paper, “Hvorfor elefanter og skiløpere noen ganger kan høres så langt” (Why elephants and skiers sometimes can be heard from a long distance), discusses   why sound carries much further when there is a colder layer of air along the ground. This effect is used by elephants who communicate over long distances as dusk settles on the savanna. Skiers can also notice this in the mountains during Easter and it can be a striking effect on quiet water. Sometimes you can hear conversations or sound over surprisingly long distances.

Read both papers in the two newest issues of “Fra fysikkens verden”.

Published Nov. 1, 2019 1:54 PM - Last modified Nov. 28, 2019 2:02 PM